The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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Kangaroos have the pleasure of beings the only marsupial mammal that has sapience. This has allowed them to spread all over their continent and have ruled their for thousands of years. For the most part, kangaroos are still a tribal people. While they do have territories for each tribe, they tend to roam them in order to get better food and to avoid the numerous predators of their homeland. They are adept at fast paced travel and can compete or outmatch many other sapients in speed.

They are also skilled combatants. Their back legs can easily break bone or slice open an unprotected region with their claws. Most nations don't think much of them given their low level of technology and some think of them as weak. Their above skills and knowledge of the terrain have countered these claims on numerous occasions. As well, kangaroo shamans can summon elemental aspects and creatures to do their bidding. Shamanism is a major part of their culture, allowing them to advance in areas most other nations haven't. They are also expert marksmen, able to hit targets from a ways off while speeding. These are usually in the form of poison darts or in some cases after the arrival of other nations, the bow.

Few nations actively trade with the kangaroo tribes, since they are distrustful of outsiders. Many attempted invasions have attributed to this, having pushed back both human and griffon armies out before. Equestria is one of them, having a treaty with the kangaroos to protect their waters.


Horses of Saddle Arabia are more or less isolationists. They are extremely distrustful of other nations. Not for the same reasons as the kangaroos, who have been invaded so often they got sick of it. Saddle Arabians just hold a very high opinion of themselves, to the point they just don't like interacting with other nations and people. This has allowed them to stay out of most conflicts as they are the leading neutral party of the world. However, this has begun to change as representatives have started to make their way onto the political stage. Using their vast resources, Saddle Arabians have become extremely wealthy and to most outsiders, spoiled.

They are only distantly related to ponies and would rather not draw attention to this fact. They are faster and more agile then a regular pony but don't have the same strength and connection to the earth as Earth ponies have. They are disdainful towards magic as they find it distasteful and unnatural. They think of the pegasi and other winged equines as the same, since they believe that equines weren't meant to fly. This has resulted in only earth ponies being sent there as to not draw more ire from them and to keep the unicorns and pegasi safe.

Saddle Arabians practice druidism as a way to keep their more arid areas lush and green enough for them to live off from. This has given them skill in using sand to their advantage. An army would be hard pressed to cross a whole desert and the Saddle Arabians could create large sandstorms and cover troops up for surprise attacks.


Breeziees are isolationists for the sake of their own lives. They have extremely weak bodies and are easily swept away on fierce winds. They keep to themselves in small outlets that none but breezies can enter except for a few days a year. This has allowed them to survive large swaths of violent history, such as Discord and Nightmare Moon. Local Equestrians have done their best to help them. While they can survive on their own, periods in which they had to stay in their outlets have resulted in local devastation since they require foraging and other such material from the outside world. This makes them dependent on Equestria's aid.

Breezies have a limited range of magical abilities, all of which are for defensive roles. They can't use this often since their little bodies can't handle the stress of using too much like a unicorn/pony can. Their antennas allow them to hear sounds from far away and to avoid potential dangers as it acts as an early warning mechanism to oncoming blows.


Deer are similar in their temperament to that of horses. They believe themselves to be better then other sapients. With deer, it is somewhat justified in their way of thinking. Before the birth of Equestria, the deer were the leading super power in the world. Deer were masters of all the realms, except for the realm of Darkness. This allowed them to perform feats of immeasurable skill and defeat most any monster or opposing force. Deer Farseers can also predict the future. So well in fact that even many gods look to them for future advice. These predictions, while can change, are extremely reliable and most 'prophecies' have come from deer Farseers. This allowed them to settle anywhere they wanted to and expand into one of the biggest empires the world of Equis has ever seen.

This of course came to an end when the deer tried to master the realm of Darkness. The deer, overconfident in themselves and there abilities, delved far too deeply into the realm. While they were initially successful, they were not prepared for the aftereffects. For doing so unleashed the beast known as 'Tirek', who corrupted and slaughtered millions of deers before being put into a deep slumber. {Only to be awakened and eventually killed by a human called Megan centuries later.} This devastated their empire and now they are broken up into different city states that all vie for the chance to rekindle their once great empire.

Deer are naturally swift, able to dodge and strike at speeds faster then most sapients can react to. This makes them deadly in both close and long range warfare. Most attackers usually bank on their numbers when attacking deer enclaves since, given their abilities, they will no doubt suffer high casualties. While deer hate most other races, some city states have started to make alliances to ensure their own survival since the deer population is a tiny fragment to what it once was.


Preferring the night, gargoyles are a mostly nocturnal creature. They are exceptionally strong and are sometimes mistaken for chimera given their build. They are related to chimera, but have a major edge when it comes to intelligence. Gargoyles are the masters of nighttime warfare, able to strike fear into the hearts of any that fight them in their prime. They have perfect night vision, able to see just as clearly as though the sun was shining. They can still fight well in the daytime as they sometimes have to. Their wings aren't especially strong however. While they can fly and hover for a while, they can't do so that fast and often have to take breaks.

Gargoyles tend to keep to themselves in rugged terrain that most wouldn't want to venture into. This is mountain or caves, which are usually very easy for them to defend. While they don't hold disdain or fear for other races, they are content to stay by themselves. This doesn't mean they won't fight off incursions, most usually by the centaur, their dreaded enemies.

Gargoyles are skilled in weaving magic and creating magically imbued armor and weapons. Given that they have access to some resources few have, they have been able to make some of the toughest pieces of armor and weaponry on the planet.


The brutish centaurs are similar to minotaurs in a lot of ways. These half human/horse creatures are violent and are overjoyed to run into battle. However, unlike the minotaurs, they hold no favor to honor and such ideologies. Instead, they focus on hit and run techniques to raid and pillage as much as they can in a fight. Given their size and strength, they often overwhelm smaller sapients and take their land whenever they can. This has caused quite a bit of friction with their neighbors, especially the gargoyles.

Centaurs are adept at casting chaos magic and use this to disrupt their enemies and cause havoc on the opposing side. As well, some of their sorcerers have found ways to actually absorb magic to make themselves bigger and stronger. There have been reports of them stealing ponies and other magical creatures to suck them dry and use their power to further more raids. Given the fact that some centaur have been spotted as thrice their usual size and using powerful chaos powers, those reports seemed to hold true.

Aside from their raids, centaurs don't actively try and mingle with other races.

Question; do the Deer hate Humans too? Or did we arrive after their downfall?

Group Admin

5771745 Humans arrived after their downfall and shortly after the foundation of Equestria. However, deer don't much care or even like humans the same as other races. This is both due to their attitude and that the Roman humans have tried to take over, and have made progress in some cases, deer territory and cities.

Can Kangaroo Shamans access the Dreamtime the way Luna can?

Group Admin

5773083 To an extent, yes.

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