The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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Come on, come all!

The Grand Canterlot Games is upon us once again. Held only once every ten years, this tournament has always been an eventful one.

As always, the Games are open to all races, species and genders. All are welcome to test their mettle.

And the rules are the same. Lethal force is STRICTLY forbidden. This rule is paramount and will not be broken. Those who try will face the wrath Grand Princess Celestia herself. Lethal weapons and equipment are also forbidden. Training weapons are allowed however. The same goes for magic. Most spells will be permitted. HOWEVER, Chaos, Necromancy, Mind Control etc... those will be banned. Failure to do so will be met with incarceration or execution.

Best of luck Challengers. May the Grace of the Sun watch over you and smile upon your victories.

Okay, so basically, I'm planning a tournament chapter, maybe two. The final round has already been decided, but if you guys and gals have any OC's that you wouldn't mind seeing have a cameo, be it as a vendor, spectator or actual competitor. Let me know.

EDIT - Your character MUST fit in with the rules and world building that Evo has set within the Shimmerverse. Don't know what they are? Read his blogs both on his page and here on the Group Site. Still don't know. ASK.

EDIT 2 - Accepted Characters.
NobodieZ - Freyja

RegularBrony - Dante

Tarbtano - Blade Dancer

Tempting, but unfortunately I lack an pony OCs:raritycry:

Group Admin

5944668 Doesn't have to be just pony ocs. Can be other species too.

5944538 Mmmm. Maybe you can add mine if you want, he is on my page PM if you need info.

Plus why don't you go over to Use our OCs if you need more OC's.. I bet you can find some willing ponsna's over there.

PS I loved your Pony out of place and its sequal.


Sadly I lack those to...

The only Ocs I have are not the ones that would fit or exist in this world.

I've so many OCs of mine I'd like to see there! One of my common ones in most of my stories might suffice... Or, you might choose any ones from this fic. PM me if you want more info.

5944538 does it have to be a pony? I've got a Griffin OC that is a light armour specialist and a close quarters weapons.

5944883 - Any species from the Shimmerverse. Pony. griffon. Human, doesn't matter.

5945014 awesome

There's a few pics of what my OC looks like if you want to use him.

Name: Dante
Species: Griffin
Age: 21
Sex: male
Hes bold and very confident. Likes to tackle stuff head on and usually gets into trouble because of it. Doesn't really think things though.
He specializes in light amour and close quarters weapons like short baldes.

5945090 - Cool. I'll toss him into the fray.

5944538 i have to oc, one is blind monk pony who has no since of direction ie get lost so easy and badly he could end up in changeling hive when he try to get to shop that is 3 doors away form his place, [can be male or female, ]
other is a demon pony who really try to stay out of sight and does not want to be throw or send back to Tartarus or hell, and is in fact a really kind nice girl, she ahs twin horns that curve upward


Well I have a suggestion for a competitor if you are interested.

Name: Freyja Erikson

Species: Caribou
Age: same as Sunset Shimmer
Sex: female
Weapons of choice: A battle axe or antlers
Personality: an adventurous, quest loving blunt, but can be reasonable and loyal to a fault.

So, what do you think

5947226 - Sure, as long as that species is a valid one within the Shimmerverse.

5947440 Or she could be a Reindeer.

Group Admin

5947226 Reindeer are a sapient species in the Shimmerverse, so she could work.

5947678 Cool, thank you.

I am writing something with an earth pony based off Lady Shiva of DC and Shego of Kim Possible. If you want I can throw you some scenes I have with her for the feel/description of the character.

Still need Oc's also Are zebra/pony hybrids a thing in the shimmerverse cause I got this character oc on my deviantart
Side Stroke

(Personality: dangerously apathetic, only caring for excitement even if it cost him his life. Depending what he feels like doing he can be your best friend or just a plain troll.) This what his personality is for the Shimmerverse.

5950186 - Interesting. But you may need to rethink his personality. By literal definition, Apathetic means - showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern. So he wouldn't feel any excitement, much less have the humour to troll anyone. Given the rest of his description, Reckless and flippant would be better descriptions.

5947819 - I'm not sure if a pony like that can exist within the Shimmerverse. You'll have to run it by Evowizard. If it was a unicorn, no probs. I'm just unsure if an Earth pony is capable of energy projection like that.

5945449 - The blind monk could be good for humour purposes. But the demon is a no go I'm afraid.

Thanks you all for offering none the less. I really do appreciate it. Remember that they don't have to be contestants. I could use spectators and shop vendors as well.

5950271 Well maybe reckless and self serving. Still going with the whole wants excitement even at the cost of his life thing. But flippant and reckless seem like better description. So yeah flippant and reckless it is!

5950271 that kind of the point of him, was going to also say he drunk as well but that like how most monk are.....

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