The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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1: Sun Gazer

The world's deadliest assassins, Sun Gazers are trained in every possible means of battle. Pushed to the very brink during their intense training, they are focused only on completing the mission and honoring Celestia. Their innate magic gives them super speed and the ability to generate solar blades and fire precise bursts of deadly solar magic. As well as having the ability to move faster then a speeding bullet, often deflecting back into an attackers skull. They are completely blind as their eyes were burned out by holy sun runes at the end of their training, giving them the ability to sense their surroundings in a sonar-ish way. This makes it impossible for anyone to sneak up on them.

2: Gallimimus Riders

The cavalry of the Equestrian army. They are some of the swiftest in the world and are perfect at attacking infantry and retreating before anything can be done of them. While they aren't the strongest cavalry, and are focused more on hit and run, many riders are still adept at close quarters battle. As well, their mounts can give an enemy a nasty kick that can disembowel an unlucky enemy.

3: Chaos Sorcerer

Masters of the realm of chaos, Chaos Sorcerers are amongst the most deadly beings on the planet. Their abilities to warp reality and destroy their enemies are fine tuned to be a crazy blend of everything imaginable. To keep them from being corrupted, they are marked with Celestia's cutie mark on their cheek. This is to keep some shred of their sanity and to keep them from being possessed. While this may limit them to a degree, it is safer for everyone involved if there was some level of control.

4: Chaos Loyalists

Celestia is a caring ruler and after Discord's defeat, she didn't feel the need to do away with chaos forces that had helped her defeat Discord and those that didn't wish to do harm onto others. So she took them in and in gratitude, they live their lives under her reign and even join her armed forces. Chaos Loyalists are a bit more organized then rogue chaos cultists and better armed, but are still not the most orderly bunch and are prone to disobeying orders on occasions, much to a commander's frustration.

5: Musket Militia

Equestria hasn't officially adopted the musket as the standard ranged weapon. However, it has proven useful for towns on the edges of the empire. For this, units of Musket Militia are recruited to keep the peace and put down local problems and enemies that try and attack the borders. Sometimes a commander may bring some along when on a campaign if they so wish.

6: Crossbow Infantry

The preferred ranged unit for Equestria, crossbow infantry are precise and deadly with their accuracy. Their continuous volleys can make any charging foe think twice before trying to reach their lines. Fitted with magic, crossbow infantry can switch between different types of arrows for different effects and accuracy according to their foe.

7: Cannoneers

Standard cannons are incredibly common in Equestrian armies to break the enemy's lines so the infantry can have a better time during battle. The Crews are outfitted with swords and shields so if attacked, can block incoming fire to an extent, allowing them to keep firing and battle any foe that tries to take them out.

8: Magi-Cannons

Much more powerful then regular cannons, Magi-Cannons fire streams of pure combat magic that can obliterate most any armor that it strikes, depending on the size of the cannon. Most of them are huge, able to take down dragons if hit directly. They are however, slow to fire so are used sparingly.

9: Ascendant

Some ponies have more potential then they realize. Some have the ability to 'ascend' or have proven themselves worthy to be granted one. To bolster her forces, Celestia 'ascends' a few individuals that are worthy of their tasks. These are proto-alicorns. While stronger then most unicorns, they aren't fully fledged gods. This doesn't make them any less deadly and are a force to be reckoned with.

10: Heavy Infantry

Given heavier armor and more deadly weapons, Heavy Infantry bridge the gap between regular soldiers and Knights of Equestria. They bolster the army's ranks and keep the lines strong, pushing back any possible counterattack and smashing their way through enemy lines if they are given the chance.

11: Wastelanders

The wastelands of Equestria are the grim reminder of ancient wars early in Equestria's history. In there lives tribes of Wastelanders, barbaric ponies who think more for themselves then for Equestria. However, they are still loyal to Celestia and will gladly fight for her. That is if they can still make a profit. Their armor and weapons are spotty and they have to be watched closely to keep them in line. They are still deadly as they were raised in the wastes and know their way around many different weapons, most of which are close quarters.

12: Mutant Brute

Mutated from the megaspell bombs dropped ages ago, these ponies are large, hulking brutes. They can tank and heal from most blows given to them and are savages in combat, breaking and stomping any enemy infantry they can land their hooves on. They have little of what you can call intelligence, but in combat, they don't need it to smash their enemies.


The world's deadliest assassins


I wonder how they would fare against Assassin class Heroic Spirits like King Hassan, Cleopatra, and Jack the Ripper.

Exactly what is the difference between a proto alicorn and a normal one?

Group Admin

Proto alicorns, while strong, still age albeit slower then normal. As well, they aren't as tough as regular alicorns. Something akin to demi-gods, like how Hercules and other demi-gods were incredibly strong and such, but still weak in mortal terms.

Also........ Cleopatra?

I notice that, throughout both of the pages of Celly's units, Wonderbolts aren't mentioned. They clearly exist in-universe- RD leads them, Dust wants to join them, even Nightmare Moon has Shadowbolts listed as a unit- but they aren't mentioned as a fighter. Also, Celestia just doesn't seem to have many flying units in general. Don't mean to criticize, just wanted to bring it to your attention.

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