The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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Group Admin

1: Shadow Cannon

The artillery choice of Nightmare Moon's armies, these are powerful war machines. Powered by the dark realm itself, Shadow Cannons fire streams of dark magic that destroy most anything they strike. Blasting apart enemy units, they are quick and precise.

2: Ghoul

Strong and adept undead, Ghoul's will fight through everything in order to fulfill their purpose and slaughter their enemies. They are stronger then a normal pony, able to crush an opponent with ease. They aren't sent in huge numbers as only powerful warlocks can create them. However, their presence can scare the daylights out of their opponents.

3: Corrupted Warlock

Some warlocks delve too deep in the realm of shadow. Others try to control beings much stronger then them. Still others disappoint their goddess and are punished. Whatever the reason, corrupted warlocks are bigger and stronger then your regular warlock. Their bodies are twisted by the dark realm just as their minds are. Some warlocks think they can control this form and use it willingly, yet all fall to its power eventually.

4: Windigo

Incorporeal beings of pure hatred, they were tamed by Nightmare Moon herself ages ago to do her bidding. The more hatred and conflict that arises in areas, the colder it gets. They feed on conflict, growing stronger as time goes on. Their ice abilities allow them to freeze and shatter their foes, while their incorporeal bodies make it impossible to hurt them with just brute force. Only magic and other forces of the realms can hurt them.

5: Crossbow Infantry

Precise and deadly, crossbow infantry make up the bulk of the ranged units in Nightmare Moon's armies. Equipped with similar ammunition and skill as their Celestial brothers and sisters, they are just as deadly.

6: Ram Infantry

To gain more power, the rams pledged their lives to Luna and thusly to Nightmare Moon. With superior strength and endurance, they can smash apart enemy lines with ease, being used as line breakers because of this. They are outfitted with thick armor to help them survive the initial moments of their charge and subsequent smashing. Their heads and horns are strong enough to bend metal.

7: Blade Master

Soldiers that are found to be exceptional blade combatants, are chosen to become Blade Masters. Blade Masters are trained hard and infused with every possible combat move to make them deadly close quarters combatants. Their minds are quick to think and counter any possible strike, making an enemy's victory in close quarters almost impossible.

8: Heavy Infantry

Armed with heavier armor and weapons, Heavy Infantry are the backbone of the army. They keep the regular infantry in line and bolster their strength when fighting their foes, breaking the enemy's spirits as well as their spines.

9: Oni

Demonic humanoids, these foul beasts have pledged their lives and loyalty to the dark mistress. They are exceptionally strong and wield armor powered by the dark realm itself. While brutish in actions, they can still take down opponents much larger then themselves, not to speak of their abilities to push back enemy lines with just their own strength and ferocity.

10: Moon Rabbit

Creatures that have made the moon their home, these large rabbits are quite viscous and quick. Their teeth are sharp enough to slice a pony's head clean off and their quick thinking and speed makes them hard to hit, even with their pony-ish size in some cases.

11: Vampire

Driven by their bloodlust, Vampire are dangerous beings that still retain their intelligence. They are immortal in the sense that they cannot age and can repair from many wounds that would be considered fatal to most living beings. They have many magical abilities that make them hard to hit or quite deadly in combat.

12: Dullahan

Headless undead, Dullahan are ponies who served Nightmare Moon incredibly well but died in combat. Their heads, either removed by the enemy or during creation, are kept close as they can still use it to appear normal. However, they can take it off and fight just as well without it. They are tough and durable, being undead. They can tank most any blow and keep on fighting till they are incapacitated.

Okay corrupted warlocks on a scale of What the hell! to Oh god get that thing away from me! how twisted are we talking?

Group Admin

Probably somewhere around the WTF kind middle ground.

Another question about corrupted warlock eventually fall to the power of the dark realm, even for the ones who willingly use it. So how long before they become full on twisted creatures or is it instant the moment they turn into corrupted warlocks?

Group Admin

Majority instant, while some take time.

Comment posted by ghoul-of-the-background deleted Jun 27th, 2017

What about Moon Unit Zappa?

How smart is a Dullahan?

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