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The Soul. The Afterlife. Both are aspects of life and death itself when looking at the old scriptures of ancient religious scholars. They were the best 'guess' the ancestors of all sapients on Equis had. There were many discussions, arguments, and even conflicts over these ideas and how they are applied to the self and the world around them.

Do sapients have souls? Do non-sapients have souls? What is a soul? What happens when we die?

There were many claims about this and many old religions described exactly what they thought they were.

However, due the emergence of 'True' gods, this discussion was, for the most part, put to rest. Added with the procession of magical and scientific understanding, we have been able to understand what is a soul.

What we consider a ‘soul’ is nothing more then life energy. This life energy pervades every living thing. Scientists and magical students can use energy readings to determine the energy output of every living thing. This energy is non-thinking and isn’t alive in any sense of the term. Living beings are simply using this energy to keep themselves alive. Most of these energies come from the Realm of Life, while there are some exceptions to this of course.

This energy is maintained by the body through eating and slumber. It’s used when one is exerting their body through training or the simple act of living. Once a form ceases to live, this energy leaves the body and is usually cultivated by spectres of death or the gods themselves.

This leads to the concept of the afterlife. While the ‘soul’ in some manner or form has been confirmed, a conscious afterlife has not. To the contrary, it has been proved to be a false claim more often than not made by theocracies.

The actual happenstance is that consciousness ends with death. While the energy itself can take in information from the deceased, it’s coherence will swiftly decay. Which is why if one wishes to save a dead being or recreate a body of sorts for them, they have a short window of between an hour to twenty-hours to do so, depending on the individuals and species.

Keeping a conscious soul intact isn’t so well practiced and is only done is certain aspects, such as keeping certain individuals alive for reasons of country importance or another.

The receding soul energy is then taken/finds its way to Tartarus where it is watched over by underworld deities. While the energies themselves are not conscious, it is still possible to take and discern memories and information wherever possible. Though much can be lost over time. The usage of soul energy is strictly prohibited and is seen as an evil act that will, in most cases, earn the death penalty.

There are of course ghosts and other such creatures that are technically living after death, but these are special cases more often than not created by outside forces or in certain areas.

A conscious afterlife by many ponies is seen as abhorrent as a majority believe that death is the final being and that eternity afterwards would be maddening. There are sometimes references to afterlives by some ponies, but it is mostly just customary and products of ancient belief systems that have eroded over time.

Again, in certain circumstances, it has been recorded that souls can linger around family members for some time but these are incredibly rare cases as said before, under certain circumstances. A majority of which because of said families high magic or other realm usage.

Valkyrie and some other beings will quickly take the best of the fallen warriors and store them in the city of Valhalla where they can be called upon to live again, stored by the gods in ways that keep them from deteriorating, and fight once more.

So in final conclusion, soul energy is for the most part not living itself and the consciousness of it quickly deteriorates after death. There are methods and circumstances that can circumvent this, but they are few and far in between, partially because of the difficulties and partially because many choose not to.

So, the afterlife is not proven but not disproven?

Group Admin

Aside from godly/sorcerer/scientific interference intentionally
being extremely powerful in a certain realm {still that is an iffy chance}
or bizarre circumstances

There isn't really any 'afterlife'. Sure, places such as Valhalla and other godly such places can be in place of it, but a majority of those kept alive as one would expect, those that have shown martial prowess and 'live' to fight another day. Eventually they will pass as mortals do. Unless they are made immortals of course.


So depending on circumstances when someone dies their souls persists but there isn't a "place" they go to rest for eternity

Group Admin

Yeah. A majority of 'souls' just go to the underworld. Some are taken in by gods. A scant few just meander. So yeah. Either way, it's just energy and not a conscious being except in some circumstances.

Things tend to be screwy when you add reality bending magic and other such things to the equation.


That's, kinda sad, I know you don't care for Christianity, but the thing I like most about the afterlife is that my religion teaches that if you follow god or are just a good person in life then you go to heaven simple as that.

Buts thats just me, why would you want to listen to the ramblings of someone religious😅

Group Admin

Well the people of this world used to have a similar belief system in some parts of the world. This of course changed after gods and other more physical versions of magic started to appear and others could understand it.

As well, they don't view it as being sad. They live their lives as best they can and they view life as incredibly important and worth having, remarking that it is better to worry of this one then any other and that what we leave behind and those that they have helped would live better and help others. It's about impacting the world with what you have in your time and even the smallest smile can lead to a lot.

There's more to it and I could probably word it better, but that's a gist of it. As well, you could see it as a sort of 'reincarnation' as the 'soul' energy eventually returns to the other realms which in turn come back to Equis to produce life. So it's all a sort of circle.

Again, I'm sorry if this isn't the best explanation. This is part of why I put this particular blog off since I didn't know how to word it right and, well, I didn't want to step on yours or anyone elses toes when it comes to afterlife and souls..... (Though this is my universe so I have free reign, but still. It was something I worried about and was nervous of this blog's reception.) So I hope it's acceptable and I might do more to explain how it works or better explain it if this isn't really sufficient.

I'm going to guess the realm of darkness is one place ghost (aka:Shadow Wraiths)can be formed and one of the special circumstances would be Banshee. This question came to me can a pony with the knowledge prepared somehow. Could they make themselves a ghost or can it only be done by an outside force such as Immortals?


Speaking of Valkyries, do you plan to make some blogs about the Norse part of the Shimmerverse?

Group Admin

I am very sorry about the really late reply. It doesn't notify me that someone posts on a blog until I see it. And yes, it is possible but is rarely done and even then it rarely if ever works without outside help.

I really need to get on that as it is something I have been meaning to do alongside the Greek/ROman stuff.

Going to be honest I forgot about this...but thank you for answering my question.

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