The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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Group Admin

Comprising one of the four most numerous sapient races of Equestria besides the main three tribes, Skaven rely heavily on Equestria for protection. Even though the Diamond Dog clans have pushed them out from their ancestral homes across the globe and widdling down their numbers, skaven are still rather numerous. To keep their numbers in check and have them help out the Equestrian Empire, a number of them are employed into the armed forces. While useful, Skaven usually tend to be skittish and more prone to break then most Equestrian units. Although some can work past this and some units can just be as courageous as ponies and other races.

Due to having to rely on Equestria to help them, their society was reworked. Females now have the same rights and positions of power that males have, much better then their previous slave state. This has lowered skaven numbers to a sustainable rate but they are still an ever present and numerous race in Equestria. Though most stay in their undercities, a number still do make their present known in Equestrian society. This is usually in part as merchants, as they make up most of that station. They are also known to be excellent engineers, fitting alongside their god.

1: Clanrats

Clanrats are the basic soldiers of the Skaven armies. They usually have low courage and can be broken by experienced opponents. Because of this, they are employed in large numbers and used to weaken enemy lines before more experienced units can arrive. Of course, if there is a leader present in the battlefield, they may keep fighting a little longer, mostly out of fear that Skaven commanders generate in their followers that is usually translated to Equine commanders as well.

As well, intentional mutation was outlawed and thus many skaven monstrosities were either destroyed or used in combat till death and no more were created.

2: Stormvermin

Better trained, equipped, and armored soldier units of the Skaven. They are quick to throw themselves into the fray. They will charge and roam in formations that would make an Equine commander proud. However, they are a little harder to control once in combat and it can be harder to muster them if they retreat or control them if a commander wishes to withdraw. Still, they are valuable soldiers in an army.

3: Death Runners

Skaven assassins. Skilled and highly trained, they are some of Equestria's best in the profession. They can make it behind enemy lines without a hint of detection as their scent glands were removed making it harder to find them. They are not as bold as some other assassins and are cautious, unless they are provided with especially large sums.

4: Warp Snipers

Taking no qualms with staying out of the fight, Warp Snipers are armed with their deadly and malevolent warp guns. Using warp stones to power their strange rifles, they can use their guns to repeatedly snipe and take out units from a distance. Because of the ever present warp residue, this makes the guns dangerous for most sapients in the case of warp poisoning. Skaven are immune to this, though the guns can explode if overheated. Because of this, Warp Snipers will try and fire at intervening increments of time to minimize this risk.

5: Doomwheel

An ingenious bit of Skaven engineering, Doomwheels are large machines powered by warp stones. The large machines are excellent line breakers. Their multiple warp guns can make short work of an enemy line, blowing them to shreds. As well as their speed and maneuverability, they can easily squash lesser units underneath them as they race on through the battlefield.

6: Gray Seer

The Warp users of Skaven forces. Akin to Equestria's own chaos magi, they are branded with Celestia's mark so as to keep them within a breath's of sanity and to avoid any chaos tomfoolery. Still, they are deadly and malicious chaos magi. Willing to go much farther in their destruction and might then their Equestrian counterparts, Gray Seers will stop at nothing to show off their might and superiority, gleefully killing and putting fear into their enemies whenever they get the chance.

Quiet the change from lore regardig the skaven and their overall personlity. Interesting idea.

Group Admin

Well in the lore they didn't really have any substantial enemies that also lived underground. The only ones were dwarves, but they didn't have numbers. Since Diamond Dogs live pretty well underground and how quickly they can breed and how tough and big they can get, they posed a serious danger to the skaven that they didn't have in the Fantasy world. Think of introducing a stronger and tougher species into an alien environment and it quickly takes over.

There is also nightgoblins, and other skaven. But the mutated females can oretty much pump out insane amounts of skaven anyway.

But yeah the diamond dogs are like underground orcs pretty much. (though orcks can use the underway too, Grimgor liked fighting skaven and their monstrosities since they were an almost endless wave.

Another thing i noticed is, if intentional mutations are banned, equestria wouldnt really allow usage of warpsotne riflea and doomwheeles? Even if the slaven in your world are comoletly imune to it everyone around them including their allies the ponies arent.

Group Admin

I am aware of those orks, however they were an exception not the rule so the skaven overall didn't have to worry about fighting anyone but themselves under ground over most of the world.

As for the warpstone usage, it would be treated as with Equestria's other chaos units that it has in their armies. While Doomwheels are Warpstone Rifles have a reliance on the stones, it would take extreme prolonged exposure to really cause severe harm, as most soldiers would only have slight exposure which would do nothing in the short term and if there was a lot of it exposed, they could simply meet up with a Priestess to have the taint expunged.

So it can be cured by the princesses. I really should read your stories. Its probably all mentioned in there somewhere. :twilightblush:
Just so much epic adventures to read and so little time...

Group Admin

And other beings. It hasn't come up yet in my stories, mostly because I haven't had a chance to use chaos forces or the Skaven yet. Hopefully should come up later in more stories.

Your stories look quiet interesting regardless, the borrowing of warhammer fatasy elements just add to it. I was around in the early days of the fandom as well so remember the hatred Celestia seemed to recieve for no reason. ( still sometimes go ugh whenever i see something NLR related lol)

Thats probably what made me love Celestia so much as i just didnt see all the evil people saw, heck some still see. Actually had a disscussion with someone recently who actually thought Celestia was thr jealous one...

Group Admin

Yeah, the hate of Celestia can be chalked up to a number of things, most of which are stupid. That's partially why I did the Shimmerverse, in part for a number of other reasons. Also, thank you. I hope you enjoy them and my future work moving forward. Season 1 should be finished, if all things work out, by the end of the year. Then I can finally move to season 2

Awww mutation is banned.:fluttershysad:
Also warp!

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