The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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Diamond Dogs:

1. Maulwurf

Giant monstrous moles, Maulwurfs are an ever present threat to many farming communities. They can ravage large tracts of land and devour many beings in a short amount of time. Maulwurfs tend to unsettle changelings and for this reason, were domesticated by Majesty ages ago. Afterwards, many of them were kept in Diamond Dog clans and used for battle. Their teeth and claws can shred through almost anything though they aren’t the brightest beings. That being said, they are employed by Diamond Dogs so that’s not saying much.

2. Paindogz

Doctors and poison unit combined, Paindgoz do their best to ‘heal’ their allies. Their methods are crude and should be ineffective, but they make it work with their ‘dog’ magic. They tend to carry around bonesaws and large needles filled with substances that can easily kill most beings in excruciating ways.

3. Beast Watcher

These Dogz watch over and control the animal units of Diamond Dog clans. With them around, animal units gain a much needed addition of order and much less likely to flee from the battlefield. They are typically armed with a large serrated whip that can bisect the toughest hides and a pistol.

4. Hog Riders

Riding atop large hogs, these Dogs are the cavalry of choice for the Diamond Dog clans. They are fast for their size and bulky, able to run over a number of enemy units or gore them on the hog’s tusks or cleave them with the riders weapon.

5. Chariot

Riding atop a large, armored and sword/spear covered chariot pulled by a large hog, These dogs typically are of higher standing in the clans as they are able to ride atop this contraption. They make short work of enemy lines, riding over or slicing apart any that try and stand in their way.

6. Grunt Archers

The smaller dogz, when not used as cannon fodder, typically find themselves as archers. This works out best for them since they don’t have to charge into the fray and stay in, relatively, safe distances. Even with their smaller stature, their natural strength allows them to make long and powerful shots.

7. Kommando

The ‘sneaky’ unit of the Diamond Dog clans, Kommando’s have one job: sabotage and dissorient the enemy. For this reason, they tend to be amongst the smartest of the dogs. This is mostly just so they don’t lolligag or give up their positions. They are armed with bladed and poisoned swords and always wear purple armor, which the dogs believe makes them sneaky. Given their ‘belief’, this is true.

8. Hammer Knights

Thinking themselves Knights, these large dogs tend to wear heavy and spikey armor. This makes them incredibly durable and resistant to a lot of damage coming their way. As well, given their name, they only ever use hammers. Their tactics are crude, simply smashing anything in front of them with hammers as large as they are. This however tends to make them slower then other dogs.

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