X Becomes a Changeling 1,203 members · 468 stories
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So I've been working on a story involving a member of the mane six who after profession their love to another mane six member has their heart tragically broken and they end up meeting chrysalis who tricks them into bring turned into a changeling by claiming to "take away their pain".

But then I hit a wall which of the mane six would fall for this?

I narrowed it down to three: pinkie pie, Fluttershy and rainbow dash.

So I need help, which of these three ponies would fall for this trick just to mend their ailing heart. I really can't decide?

I would say it should be Fluttershy. She has the least established support system of any of the mane six. That is to say, she lives alone and relatively isolated, is hesitant to open up to others, and doesn't have a little-sister figure/s that depend on her like either Pinkie or Rainbow Dash. Of course, any of the characters can be written in such a way as to make their actions in a certain scenario seem plausible, but I'd say on the surface, and in keeping with their established personalities, Fluttershy would be the most appropriate candidate.

I hope you end up writing this story regardless of whom you end up choosing. I'll certainly give it a read. :twilightsmile:

Not sure what I can say about it. I don't think anyone of them will be tricked. Mirror image has done the whole conversion thing but it seems far more likely that they would want to use them as a food source instead of turn them into another mouth to feed. Even if they really thought chrysalis wasn't being evil, (a reasonable assumption given she isn't), they'd have no reason to expect her to actually want them to be changelings.

Pinkie or Fluttershy, most likely Fluttershy due too her weak sense of worth, and her in-ability too approach or say no.

Probably Pinkie. We saw her refusing to believe her friends' loyalty and doing things normally considered crazy all the way back in Party of One. Her character's developed a lot since then, but her self-worth is still tied a lot to her friends' accepting her, as we see in Pinkie Pride.

I'm going for Rainbow dash. Rainbow dash would be in rage about it and feel betrayed because she is the element of loyalty. They say angry makes you do stupid things. so she will be devastated about it and not caring what is going on around here.

Spike. I've read a few stories where Rarity romanticly bonds with one of the remaining Mane6 and Spike runs off to join the changelings, eventually Nightmare Moon scince the autor was a great fan of Nightmarity for some reason.

But from the selected ones - I'm gonna go with Fluttershy as she's the one with the most problems abaut emotions and one with the frailest mind. Such a impact upon her psyce would cause her to be the most propable to break from the emotions. But she also values live like nothing other and while others might think of suecide - it wouldn't cross her mind even once. She would end up seeking relief from the problem, like joining up the changelings or getting a mage [:trixieshiftright:?] to render her emotionless. That is essencially the only way I could see it going down.


Honestly, Pinkie or Fluttershy would work the best. Rainbow, while being heartbroken, is the element of loyalty, and even if she is hurt, she wouldn't just trust an enemy of Equestria. Plus, I can't really see her s heartbroken she's in a blind rage. She'd more likely accept it and go back to her cloud house to sob about it. I can't see her as the type to take a rejection so hard it puts her in a frame of mind where she would trust Chrysalis.

Wow thanks guys for the input. I'm not really gonna reveal who I picked (gotta have some secrecy) but this really does help I hope to have the story done soon this issue was a major block for me for some reason.

In all seriousness, I believe Fluttershy is the most likely.

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