X Becomes a Changeling 1,203 members · 468 stories
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So I have a chunk of an idea bouncing around in my head and I'm wondering if anything similar has already been done by someone else. I can't think of any but I haven't read every story.

The idea is:
Twilight has always been a changeling queen, but not Chrysalis's daughter. In fact she sees the invasion of Canterlot as an attack on her territory and feeding grounds.

Don't have much to the idea beyond: her having different reasons to suspect 'Cadance', calling on her hive living deep in the crystal caverns to airlift Cadance out, sending her less numerous but better fed drones against the attacking army, taking on Chrysalis herself instead of going for the elements, declaring herself queen of the attacking swarm. All while making a lame attempt to not reveal herself until she just gives up on it.

Don't know if I'll ever do anything with it but maybe, or maybe I don't have to because someone else already has.
Or if not and someone else want's to run with it I can give them what I have.

5899083 sound like good idea, maybe throw in that Celestia and Candace knew the truth already,

but over all it sound like good story I hope you do something with it even if someone else does

Twilight has always been a changeling queen, but not Chrysalis's daughter. In fact she sees the invasion of Canterlot as an attack on her territory and feeding grounds.

I am not a fan. Twilight is a standard viewpoint character. she is often made chrysalis's daughter for a very good reason,. just as in the canon she comes to ponyville to learn more about friendship and be our fresh set of eyes and ears to the characters and world, complete with her own exposition abilities, Twilight is often chrysalis's daughter becuase she has never been a changeling and would know nothing of how they opperate and would have to be introduced to their ways and culture.

picture related. it's why both twilight is a changeling and changeling courting rituals are both so popular as fiction. it places twilight at the center of a contradiction in her world view and gives her the means of discovering and learning more and therfore developing as a character. what you are proposing just has twilight suddenly be replaced with an alien character, one who is completely different than the one we come to know and apperantly has been that way the whole time. there is nothing to latch onto in that instance and it would be better if she was a completely different person.

5899095 would read the story
5899101 some like new perspectives so dont insult.... disagreeing is fine but insulting the idea is just rude

5899101 so would I, but I suck at writeing
5899142 just cause it does not follow cannon, or different does not give you the right to insault it and say it worng.....I personal love story in which there are twist like twilight being changeling, or fluttershy is in fact discord daughter. or what ever u want. it give us a chance to see thing different or be entertain that why it call a fan fic.

>herp some like new perspectives so dont insult.... disagreeing is fine but insulting the idea is just rude
and I suggest you reread my post or go relearn what the word insult means.

5899083 You better have a well thought out plan to go along with your idea. If you don't, you're shooting yourself in the foot with this idea. It's really hard to make readers suspend their disbelief as it is. With your idea, it seems almost impossible.

I like the idea. I would love to write it.

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