Keepers of Power 730 members · 551 stories
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After all, momentum control is one of the strongest powers possible before you start getting into godmodding territory.

So... gravity? Applying force on objects without touching them? Or just adding or subtracting force from a moving or still object?

5812521 Adding or subtracting force from a moving or still object, yes.

5812559 Wouldn't that also mean increasing/decreasing ones mass too?

If you're talking about relativity, then I thought that was just velocity in general. If you mean gravity increasing because of mass, then I failed to express my thoughts properly. Not just up/down gravity, but attraction. One could "pull" someone to the left and throw them, as if a sun were a few thousand kilometers off.

Google Gravity Rush, that's the kind of power I'm talking about.

5812585 Possibly, but the ability to become spectacularly dense one second and have no mass at all the next would be unreasonably OP. Superman, Obito, and Sky Walk in the same character.

5812898 I was thinking more like absorbing the momentum of a thrown rock, then punching it back with even more power. But gravity is a cool power, too.

With enough practice, a gravity manipulator could do that--but without even touching it!

5813038 A gravity manipulator could also probably give someone a gravitational field, causing rocks to fly towards the person and crush him.

And if that person can control momentum, he can make those rocks hover near him, unable to move, constantly drawing power from their momentum.

5815358 Yep. When you think about it, what sounds like "Oh, so you can make thrown knives go faster?" is actually one of the fundamental forces of this existence, and the strongest power possible before you get to universal reality-warping BS.

Not over powered, but not under powered... sounds just right.

5816773 Yep. It's funny, most people go for the flashy stuff like throwing around fire or earth or lightning. While fireballs and lightning bolts are been thrown in World of Warcraft, momentum's doing things like the 0.5x A Press video.

There are some powers out there that are so underrated... :ajsleepy:

Pretty simple power, but I think what you're talking about is actually inertia control, not momentum.

Momentum only applies to moving objects, and depends completely on the objects mass and velocity. If a rock's on the ground, it has zero momentum, so any multiplication of its momentum would still leave it at zero. 0 * n = 0.

Inertia is the property of any object to stay at rest if it is at rest, or to stay in motion if it's in motion.

If your power is to change this property at will, you could make it so that the object's inertia to make it float when you need it to by making the rock's inertia match that of air, therefore, it floats around like air. And then you'd be able to literally punch it and return it to it's previous inertia state, so that the rock is flying forward with its full weight and force without losing the velocity it gained from your punch impacting it. Keep in mind, that without that gravity ability you mentioned, the rock will lose it's momentum due to the air resistance, and it will fall to the ground eventually due to no longer being as free-floating as air.

And by being able to manipulate an object's inertia, you wouldn't need to change how fast an object is moving, nor how heavy it is. If a million pound boulder is flying right at you, if you lower it's inertia, it'll still hit you, but it'll feel like a beach ball bouncing off you. And in reverse, if you throw a knife at someone wearing heavy armor, you don't have to make the knife sharper, heavier, or fly faster. Just increase it's inertia, and it'll want to stay in motion in the same direction it's going, and so it'll punch right through everything in its way.

I'll tell you this much, your idea is really cool and interesting. But in order to make it work, you'd have to be pretty savvy with your knowledge of physics, and be able to write an intelligent character that can calculate a lot of things at once and be able to put all kind's of factors together just to perform one simple action with this power. But I'm confident you're capable of doing so. So I say go for it with this power!:pinkiehappy:

Thanks! I wanted something deep and open-ended, something that would make a good Stand ability, but not an overly weird and specific one. Something he could use for a variety of situations while never truly being underpowered or overpowered for the situation at hand.

hi Question which stories have Ice in them?

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