The Equestrian Monarchist League 49 members · 18 stories
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Brony God
Group Admin

Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex and the 6th in line to the British throne has recently announced that he and his Hollyweird wife Meghan Markle are distancing themselves from the British Royal Family in order to carve out a "progressive" new role in order to become "financially independent." They plan on moving to North America, possibly to my country of Canada :pinkiesick:

According to this article, they did not consult their decision with Queen Elizabeth II and she is not happy about this.

But Prince Harry may retain his place in line for the throne. But I am in favour of removing him and his descendants from the line of succession to the throne because Sussexes are a embarrassment to the Royal Family by being Alt Left Kardashian Wannabes.

I knew this woman was bad both for him and the royal family. I personally think its her influence, whatever it is, that is making Harry make such rash and terrible decisions. When I first heard about this, there was speculation they were being exiled from the Royal family, but then the bombshell that followed that this all occurred without consulting Her Majesty the Queen and that the royal family was upset with the news. This is unheard of, the Royal family is absurdly good at keeping their internal affairs, good or bad, to themselves, this is quite a break. I suspect they will not remove Harry from the succession or from the family, probably because his brother still loves him, but that is baseless speculation perhaps, but the word of the next in line to the throne after Charles is worth a lot, and he is an exemplary prince, so that would carry weight with the Queen as well.

This is beyond pathetic. She should remove them from the line of succession.:facehoof:

Brony God
Group Admin


I remember there was a time when Prince Harry was a cool guy. But he became such a wimpy soyboy when that Mini-Maxine Waters came into his life. I hope and pray that Prince Harry does not end up being appointed Governor-General of Canada or worse, King of Canada after Queen Elizabeth II's reign ends :pinkiesick:

He used to be a cool guy. This is why you must be careful who you choose to marry.
Would that be possible for him to become king of Canada? I thought you guys did away with that.

The Canadians did not, its still a constitutional monarchy, just with the Queen of England as its reigning monarch, she appoints a Governor General to perform the duties of the Executive in her place for Canada. Canada is under no obligation to follow the diktats of the London parliament however.

Ah, I see. Thank you for curing me of some ignorance.:twilightsheepish:

Brony God
Group Admin


Yeah Queen Elizabeth II is still the Queen of Canada. Her image is on all the coins, the 20 Dollar bill, some medals, and some postage stamps. Public office holders, military, police, coroners and new citizens still have to recite the Oath of Allegiance to Queen Elizabeth II and heirs and successors. Canada severed it's last ties to the British Parliament back in 1982, so therefore the only link left Canada has to Britain is the Royal Family.

Wow, I didn't know that. Thanks for the info:moustache:

Brony God
Group Admin

Your welcome. But because Canada is no longer obligated to follow what Britain says, Canada can change the rules of succession to the Canadian throne. And the current Canadian government is composed of left wing SJWs and both Prince Harry and his wife are worshiped by left wing SJWs, so there is a danger that they may take the Canadian throne because they openly support the same far left nonsense that the Canadian government of Prime Minister Comrade Justin Trudeau supports.

Nightmare scenario:pinkiesick:

Trudeau makes my heart hurt for Canada.

Brony God
Group Admin

Yeah he is horrible. Only Maxime Bernier can clean up Justin Trudeau's mess. Luckily in order to change the rules of succession to the Canadian, every provincial government must approve it, and most provincial governments won't mess up the Canadian constitution just to put a couple of Hollyweird flakes on the throne who are only popular in the darkest bowels of Twitter.

Brony God
Group Admin

And right now, Prince Harry and Meghan are not getting much love from the media. The chances of them becoming king and queen of Canada are just as slim as Prince Andrew.

Well thank God for that.

Brony God
Group Admin

But threat of Prince Harry becoming Governor-General of Canada remains. But however as Governor-General, he has to represent his grandmother. In the past, it was the norm to have members of the Royal Family and British Aristocracy as viceregal representatives of the British monarchy throughout the British Empire. But knowing Prince Harry, he'll make a mockery of the office of Governor-General if he gets that job.

Brony God
Group Admin

:eeyup: And having someone like that as Governor-General can be dangerous. Just look at the absolutely horrific job the last Viceroy and Governor-General of the Indian Empire did.

Brony God
Group Admin

The last Viceroy and Governor-General of the Indian Empire betrayed his cousin King-Emperor George VI and did absolutely nothing to stop the massive bloodbath that was taking place in 1947.

I had forgotten about that piece of history

Brony God
Group Admin

It is one of the worst Post World War 2 blunders.

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