The Equestrian Monarchist League 49 members · 18 stories
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It just seems to me monarchs tend to be better rulers. The Heian Era in Japan was a period of peace and cultural achievement beneath the Japanese Emperors. High King Mael Sechniall of Ireland and and Queen Charlotte of Britain both helped bring slavery to an end (in different periods and facing radically different situations granted.) Joseph II and Henry IV both supported religious tolerance. Of course, there are also monarchs who were gibbering lunatics and cruel tyrants. But leaders in republics are generally mediocre at best. Why do you suppose this is? If I were grading political systems, republics would get a C (B- if I were grading on a curve) while monarchies would get an A or an F with little in between.

Republics and democracies only work if the people are moral, that's why. Our founding fathers here in America knew that. Monarchies tend to have a better track record because of the odds. You have a much better chance at getting a moral leader when it is one person needing to be leader rather than the whole population which is needed in a republic. True, good people are generally still needed to produce good leaders even in a monarchy. But nevertheless, a good monarch can still come among a bad people and raise them up and convert them to goodness. It has happened countless times throughout history.
Whereas a bad people in a republic will continue to elect bad leaders and the chances at getting a good one to clean it up are slim to none.
That, and there is a certain dignity and self-respect that can come more easily with being royalty. True, it can turn one into an entitled spoiled brat as many monarchs were, but I'll take my chances being rule by one spoiled brat rather than a nation full of them.:ajsmug:
Thanks for the thought-provoking topic RoyalBard!:twilightsmile:

Brony God
Group Admin


Monarchies tend to produce better leaders than republics because monarchs are for the long term and they are raised to look after the nation as a whole rather than just the political party they belong to and the special interest groups the party serves like most republican leaders tend to be.

Brony God
Group Admin

You see that most republican leaders mostly care about filling their own pockets at the expense of the everyone else in the nation.

That can be said of either party, but yeah.

Brony God
Group Admin

Yeah it has been proven that both parties have crooks like that in them.

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