Lord Tirek 302 members · 208 stories
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I haven't seen any other forums discussing this so I suppose that's I be the first. I mainly want to establish what Tirek can do with his power and whether or not he falls into the classification of unskilled but strong like Twilight.

I understand that when he eats the magic of each pony race he gains the attributes of it. For example if he consumes pegasus magic he gain the ability of flight. I suppose what I should be asking is whether or not Tirek is creative enough to use the other secondary abilities of pony magic like the Pegasus' weather control or Discord's sheer versatility. i.e. Duplication, teleportation, shape-shifting, illusions, passive time-travel, and so on.

I ask this because, in the penultimate fight, he only uses either passive powers like earth pony, or perhaps draconequus, durability, unicorn beams, and pegasus flight.

So does Tirek have any capability to fight tactically and can he use specialisations like Discord's talent to sense disturbances in the magical spectrum? Which I honestly want to know more about. Is it like the thaum count, background radiation levels, in Lullabies Unsung? Favourites.

Read it.

I was also under the impression that the Equestrian ponies usage of weather control and Winter-Wrap-Up was similar to humans putting ice on the roads and deforestation but now it's... terrifying and completely illogical. How did anything survive before equines if nothing grows, weather doesn't do weather-y things, and the freaking sun doesn't move!?
For the sun and moon thing I prefer Harmony Theory's theory of raw magic altering how the ponies' perception of reality: turning a heliocentric solar system into a geocentric. Liked what they did to the Elements too. Extremely fascinating to think of them as transcendent of our reality. Err.
Tangent. :twilightsheepish:


I haven't seen any other forums discussing this so I suppose that's I be the first to I haven't seen any other threads on this forum discussing this so I suppose that's I be the first.


Finally am I at liberty to completely ignore the power levels displayed in the God-Sparkle versus Tirek fight scene? Because if I can't then my head-canon is that Tirek lied about the battle being a stalemate in order to end it quickly and in his favour. Simply if Twilight can do this.
Twilight's Barrier
Why can't Terik?


Well, if I remember correctly Twilight's powers have been utilized through focused study, which would explain her incontinence when it came time for her to take on not one, but three princesses' powers overwhelmed her.

In this regard, given the fact that he was able to absorb most of Equestria's magic, including Discord's he was probably too cocky to bother experimenting and learning to full utilize more of his new abilities since he was hellbent on finding and capturing Twilight to steal her and the other's Alicorn Magic.


Honestly I don't blame Tirek. He should be the most powerful being in Equestria at the moment because he drains Discord. It's also heavily implied that he drained every single equine in the show in addition to such an awesome power and that Twilight had to let herself be drained in order for him to win because they were in a stalemate. But it is also implied before this episode that the Alicorns are merely extremely powerful ponies, Philosopher Princesses or maybe Deities of Mortal Origins. But never this powerful: it was never hinted that they could taken on Discord if they teamed up. It doesn't make sense. Did they write themselves into a corner?

I'm trying to write a fight scene with Rainbow Dash acting as bait. It's difficult trying to make everything work without Fridge Logic kicking in.

3286405 I actually was curious about the same thing. My best guess is that Twilight can put it to better use than others.

He's been locked away for a very long time, it stands to reason he'd be a bit rusty.

That could work. Twilight has experience dealing with going God Mode like in the flashback scene in Call of the Cutie. She didn't do much beyond magic missile, flying, and teleporting anyway...?


Can other magic be absorbed or given away like Alicorn Magic? Could Twilight have given Alicorn Magic to one of her friends? I wonder if you become an Alicorn if so. It can't be more powerful than the Elements of Harmony if it's only a fraction of it. Be interesting to explore in a fanfic.


How did you put my name up? I only have a string of numbers. Thank you


I know this topic is weeks old, but I remember that one author whose work I follow tried to explain Tirek's power discrepency with Discord in one of her fics.

Her explanation basically went that you need a chaotic personality to wield chaos magic. If you're not chaotic, you can't control it, so you have to make do with trying to order chaos magic, which naturally weakens it. But the end result is harmonic magic, which can be controlled, and which is what we see unicorns using on the show. And because magic works this way, it means that chaos magic to Discord makes him nearly godlike, but all that power in Tirek's hands is no more valuable than the magic of an adept unicorn mage, because he can't use it like Discord can. He has to order it.

3818377 alarajrogers?


Yes. I was referring to her fic, Traitor.

3818747 Yeah, that's a great one. Especially the idea of Tirek having to 'vent' after draining large amounts, which explains why he didn't WTFBBQ them right away after draining Twilight. Now that I look back at it, he wasn't appearing entirely in control of his faculties when he got alicorn magic...


She's good with little touches like that.

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