Lord Tirek 302 members · 208 stories
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Well the comic has just recently come out, and there seem to be quite a few surprises tucked away in its pages (including a cameo by Discord!). The story itself is quite simple, and Tirek isn't extremely complex (but then again he wasn't in the show either), but I think the story itself is pretty good, if a little predictable.

IDW COMIC Issue 2 Tirek

So what are your thoughts?


I really, really hated how they just sort of... left it dangling. They set things up, then didn't really do anything with them. It's as if it's the prelude to a much larger series, but they made it a one-shot instead. I have no problem with those sort of loose-end type stories, but this one just kind of promised a bit more than that and didn't deliver.

So as much as I liked Scorpan (Tirek, on the other hand, seemed like your typical antihero anime protagonist, which made me laugh) and the world they went with, I thought the comic was kind of disappointing. Sombra's comic was better because the comic still told a complete story, even if that story was really just a prologue of sorts.

4259133 Overall I don't think it really added too much to Tirek himself, just showing him when he was younger and less experienced, but already possessing the mindset and attitude seen in the show. On the other hand I loved the world building. I felt that just about everything in the story except Tirek had a lot of potential use for future stories whether on the show, in the comics, or in fanfiction.

And was that really Discord or another member of his species? If it was the old Discord why wasn't he causing chaos and mayhem? Could it be that he didn't always have his powers, and if not then how did he become the Spirit of Chaos. Its leading me to some possible head-canons about the relationship between the tree of harmony and spirit of chaos.

Speaking of this, I'm planned to make my own version the origins along with other baddies too.

And of course, including my baddies too.

When I watched Twilights Kingdom, I knew there was something amazing about Tirek. I wanted to love him as a villain. But their was something about that two-parter that made it hard for me to truly like him, when I WANT to like him. Maybe the clashing methods between his crippled and powered forms seemed, I don't know, off?

So I read this comic, and oh my god! I absolutely love Tirek as a villain now. Maybe it's because of Tireks rebellious and defiant attitude? Maybe it's that his true form seems natural, thanks to the comic. The comics also made his straight forward, simple, power-hungry villainy believable and, well, refreshing.

All in all, I wanted to like G4 Tirek, because he was all about power while being cunning. The comics solidified my love for him, while giving his desire detail and believability. The comic gave me a sense of fulfillment towards my view of Tirek.

Does anyone else feel like Tirek was desperate for something? Like throughout it he had a sad twinge that kept showing in his expression? He was a mess and never knew what to do! And no one exactly told him; they just told him NOT to do things. You could tell when he was sweating, when he ran away. when he told his brother to leave and when confronting his father that he disliked the fakeness of his life and Tirek is a very direct character. Chrysalis hid behind a mask of sorts and crept in, discord played games, sombra had special mazes and such, but Tirek was just very simple and I really liked it. He only manipulated when it was useful and didn't waste his time. Unlike Discord, you could tell he REALLY enjoyed fighting! If a villain was to go around making ponies feel bad about themselves before using them, Tirek would see it as pointless, as he FLAT OUT doesn't care about ponies!!!

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