Sunset Shimmer is Best Pony 721 members · 646 stories
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I have to be honest here. I don't really like stories that have Sunset apologizing to Celestia for her actions. It just doesn't seem to be in character for her to just apologize for everything she did when Celestia was just as much to blame for the whole mess.

If anything, I highly doubt Sunset would even want anything to do with her old mentor. I always pictured their current relationship similar to Proto-man and Dr. Light's relationship. Protoman stays as far away from his creator as long as he can help it. But when he absolutely needs to encounter Light, he always makes it extremely clear that he is not interested in making amends. He knows he made some mistakes and is willing to own up to them, but he also knows that his creator made some mistakes with him as well.

So what do you guys think? Is there still tension between Sunset and Celestia? Or do you think that they are willing to let bygones be bygones?

Please give legitimate reasons for your answer. And please respect others opinions

Given how Sunset acts when she brings up her past self, I can't help but feel that she feels some guilt over leaving Equestria and the path she started so long ago. Sure, she doesn't let her past weigh her down from time to time. Especially when she needs to be focused on what is happening at that moment. But if there isn't any crazy action going on, then I think she would be kind of nervous about it.

I also think Celestia decided that Twilight needed an apprentice or at least a student of her own and that's why she made sure she got the book. Celestia was also very concerned about Sunset Shimmers fate from the first movie, which makes me think in a way she was still testing Twilight and wanted to make sure Twilight didn't hurt her.

I think Celestia wants to see Sunset again, and deep down Sunset would like to see her former mentor as well.

I would definitely be inclined to believe that, if the comic that gave a glimpse of Sunset's backstory didn't have Celestia's last words to Sunset pretty much be, "Go away and never come back." That would probably be a hard thing to get past, right?

That depends. There is always that person in your life that slammed the door and immedieatly after they are gone you start to regreat that decision. I've had my mom push me out of the house and yell at me to leave, multiple times. She never means it for very long.

i like the whole sunset protoman thing your talking about and i wish more story's had her acting like that instead of her throwing herself at celesta's hoofs begging for forgiveness.

and speaking of the sunset protoman thing gives me a idea for a challenge, never mind no one would be interested:twilightsheepish:

but any ways that's some deep stuff you said and wish more people used it.

What's the challenge?

Who knows? maybe someone here will use this idea.:ajsmug:

4844550 well first do you have any problem with a equestria wear there all human except with wing for the human Pegasus,tall strong body's for the earth pony's,and pointed ears for the unicorns.


i wish more story's had her acting like that instead of her throwing herself at celesta's hoofs begging for forgiveness.

Yeah. Gotta hold on to whatever dignity she has left, right?

4844590 ya especially with sunset i mean she's humble but some writers write her with no backbone and is ready to break down crying if she thinks she said something out of line to her friends.

4844498 I'm of the opinion that both parties know they screwed up. In canon, though, Sunset isn't quite ready to face Celestia yet, even if she knows that she'll have to eventually.


she's humble but some writers write her with no backbone

I hate it when people equate humbleness to meek and pathetic (I blame Fluttershy for that). I mean there are loads of characters who are humble but also strong and bad ass. Take Spider-Man (favorite MARVEL character of all time by the way) as an example if you wish.

Let's start with the fact the previews mentioned Sunset being homesick and that was a major part of her Arc for Friendship games.
What do we know that Sunset has to go back to in Equestria? Well Twilight to some extent, but mostly, Celestia.
Furthermore Sunset kept the book, and the book's magic remains strong serving as a representation of their relationship.

Furthermore? Bluntly. Having them interact is just as much about Celestia's charecter. Sunset being one of three established characters who can break through Celestia's Facade, seeing actual screen presence with Celestia the person and not Celestia the Princess would be a good thing.


I would definitely be inclined to believe that, if the comic that gave a glimpse of Sunset's backstory didn't have Celestia's last words to Sunset pretty much be, "Go away and never come back." That would probably be a hard thing to get past, right?

If we are using that comic as evidence for anything, always the most important thing to realize. Sunset and Celestia went on Picnics, they just spent time together for reasons other than studying. That's a vastly different relationship than anything Twilight has with Celestia.
We are also talking about two people with Titanic Egos, who know they have Titanic Egos.

I Expect that's not the first argument they had that got emotional, But rather it was too late when Sunset was willing to talk again.


ya especially with sunset i mean she's humble but some writers write her with no backbone and is ready to break down crying if she thinks she said something out of line to her friends.

Sunset is many things, humble not among them.


Sunset is many things, humble not among them.

Which Sunset are you talking about? Past or Present?
If it's Past Sunset then I totally see why you would make that statement.
If it's present Sunset, then you're going to have to give some solid evidence on why you think that. 'Cause, frankly, I'm not seeing it.

Anybody there?:rainbowhuh:


Which Sunset are you talking about? Past or Present?
If it's Past Sunset then I totally see why you would make that statement.
If it's present Sunset, then you're going to have to give some solid evidence on why you think that. 'Cause, frankly, I'm not seeing it.

There's a very very large difference between, humility, false humility, and confidently owning your accomplishments.
Sunset post reformation does the third, she very much accepts her status of first among equals in her group without feeling the need to say things as her actions do the speaking for her. But we continue to see her obvious pride when she can't simply succeed as failure gnaws on her as a blow to that pride.

Ask yourself, why does it feel wrong when people write sunset doing a groveling apology? If she was humble how could that bug you?


Anybody there?:rainbowhuh:

No, no one is there.


why does it feel wrong when people write sunset doing a groveling apology

Because, I think Sunset understands perfectly that both she and Celestia made mistakes and even though she would like to have a good relationship with her former mentor, it would make more sense for Sunset to wait for Celestia to make the first move. She probably also thinks that Celestia doesn't know she did anything wrong (and if we're following the A-canon, there really isn't much evidence to prove that Sunset isn't wrong in this assumption). Simply put, when Sunset finally confronts Celestia, it's almost certainly going to be on equal terms. I just wish for a fresher take on how that meeting will go down. That's all.


Because, I think Sunset understands perfectly that both she and Celestia made mistakes and even though she would like to have a good relationship with her former mentor, it would make more sense for Sunset to wait for Celestia to make the first move. She probably also thinks that Celestia doesn't know she did anything wrong (and if we're following the A-canon, there really isn't much evidence to prove that Sunset isn't wrong in this assumption). Simply put, when Sunset finally confronts Celestia, it's almost certainly going to be on equal terms.

And this sounds humble to you? The thinking of someone with little opinion for their importance?
Your entire reasoning boils down to "Because Sunset Shimmer has her Pride.".

To me, being humble means that you realize that you're not better than everyone through entitlement. Being humble doesn't mean you automatically become a doormat (basically a Fluttershy). Besides, there is really no such thing as being perfectly humble. It just boils down to what your definition of humble is. And, as you said, her actions speak louder than her words.

There is also a difference between pride and dignity


It just boils down to what your definition of humble is.

Either a modest view of one's own importance, or a lack of pride are the textbook definitions. Any other definitions are really trying to slam a tag because it's "Virtuous".

And, as you said, her actions speak louder than her words.

Quiet pride is still pride, and Celestia and Sunset are both creatures of pride.


There is also a difference between pride and dignity

The definition of dignity in the usage of "I have my dignity" or "At least i have my dignity" is literally pride in oneself.

How about you believe what you believe, and I'll believe what I believe. And we just drop this little subject. 'Kay?:ajbemused:


How about you believe what you believe, and I'll believe what I believe. And we just drop this little subject. 'Kay?:ajbemused:

If that is what you want.

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