Bat Ponies Are Best Ponies 2,442 members · 651 stories
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What's your headcannon about bat pony diet? Blood?


Something else?

I kind of like the idea of them having an all-liquid diet or nothing but blood and fruit. That way they never have to kill to eat. Bat ponies have a very moral diet.

Fruit diet because that picture is too damn cute!

3725495 they eat both, even though there is many different kinds of bats fruit bats and vampire bats are the most common bats people know about so i would assume they eat fruit and drink blood.

Group Admin


Well there's two types of bats, micro and mega. Microbats eat mostly bugs, megabats eat mostly fruit. There are some exceptions, like the vampire bat, and there are some bats that eat small animals like frogs and fish too.

3725495 and to show you how many kinds there are there is 1000 species of bats so yeah

I would probably say that they eat about the same stuff as regular ponies but need blood for something else, like a vitamin shot once a week-month...

Group Admin


Yes. In fact, there are so many species of bats that they make up a quarter of all mammal species!

The more you know.

fruit all the way!

There are popular characters that are established to eat solely fruit, and others established to drink solely blood with other supplements in their diets.
I use both, though.


Now really, IRL, bats only would do stuff like, blood, mangoes, bugs (changelings) or the like.

However, I believe that bats are the ultimate omnivores. They can eat anything, but probably have preferences.

Most bat ponies prefer mangoes because it's socially acceptable. Sucking blood is probably not something that most people or ponies want to happen to them.

Also, in my headcanon, bats suck blood to get a high off of the hormonal rush. When fear and adrenaline from the attack hits the blood, bats love that. past that, the blood is just a meal. Mangoes are likely preferred due to lacking inebriating effects and being easier to come by.


Like, not fruit in general. Exclusively pineapples.


The way I see it, batponies aren't vampire batponies. I like to think that they're of the fruit eating bat variety ... it's also much cuter this way.

Well, I use the term 'rousettes', so that's fructivores. But then again, ponies are supposed to be herbivores, and they eat things like eggs and pastry as well, not to mention whatever that Hay Burger restaurant serves.

So, my take on it is a little bit meta: they eat the same things ponies do, but they have a preference for both fruit and things that resemble blood or are somehow tied to blood. To wit:

-blood oranges.
-cranberry juice.
-red pesto. "No, we don't mind the garlic, you racist; we're not vampires :twilightsmile:"

And their national dish is: pizza. It's pastry, traditionally cooked in a stone oven, which might look like a bat cave if you squint hard enough, covered in tomato paste (blood red), and can be topped with pretty much anything, such as pineapple or cherry tomatoes. Pizza is also one of the few human dishes ponies might eat, but hasn't been seen on the show yet. So bat ponies can still lay claim to it in fanon.

Both, though, due to cultural changes, they now mostly stick to fruit.

Blood it taste very good:pinkiecrazy:

3725495 I'll get back to you on that, I kinda didn't think about it. :twilightblush:

Many kinds of fruit, mostly for the juice.

Blood only sporadically, for specific, mating reasons.

Blood and mangos! As well you know.

Blood is energetically almost useless. A tiny little vampire bat has to drink the equivalent of bathtubs of blood to survive. Peeing all the while to make room for more blood.

This is not a viable eating strategy for large animals. Also, ew.

Buuuuut, this is the magical land of Equestria. And blood has a lot of magical significance, in almost every bit of fantasy fiction. It's the carrier of all life, that we die without. So I always figured bats would drink blood much like changelings nom love. For the magical sustenance.

Fruits might be magically significant too. They're a tree in potentia. A promise of new life. And even Vampire Fruit Bats do something with that magic; making the tree grow faster after nomming the juice from the fruit. So perchance the bats do something similar.

So kinda figure that fruit is cheap coal fed into a boiler to keep it running. And blood is rocket fuel.

3725524 yup, and I don't care to name them all take too long

I vote fruits and no blood.
They won't say no to donuts or pizza, though.

I believe that they're simply Omnivores. They eat what they find that's edible -May this be a fruit, or your neck.
(Preferably, the neck. :pinkiecrazy: )

BLOOD! Cause it makes for some steamy moments when you check that little box in the filter that has a 3 letter word next to it :pinkiecrazy: :trollestia: :rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild::applejackconfused::moustache:

3725495 Depends on the species. If you look at Flutterbat, she clearly has a different design than Luna's guards, so they'd be different species. I shall refer to Luna's guards as Bat and Flutterbat as Bat' (bat prime) from now one.

Bat's species is native to Tartarus, where they serve as guards, within my headcanon. They drink blood within Tartarus to survive, effectively torturing the inhabitants ans sustaining the guards. They're also capable of eating meat and preforming other carnivorous activities, but don't when on the surface out of politeness.

Bat', in contrast, is a native to a nation south of Equestria and only consume fruit and fruit-related items. They mostly stick to themselves, except in rare conditions that cause them to enter the neighboring nations.

I think they are omnivores so not exactly blood, meat actually. :twilightsmile:

There are fruit bats, bug bats, and blood bats. Bat ponies can have only up to two of these dietary groups. Blood Bats sometimes are known to have favorite kinds of blood types, or even like specific individuals blood more. Finding a straight blood bat is very rare however, due to their persecution over the years.

I go with a mixed diet for my headcanon. Essentially omnivorous: Meat, fruit, vegetables, etc.

Why can't we have both? There are both blood and fruit-eating bats, so why not have it be the same for bat ponies?


I think it is both. Crazy bats eat blood. Normal eat fruit. I mean, if every pony/human wanted to drink blood we could do it.:pinkiecrazy:
Not that we should.:pinkiecrazy:

They eat flesh ... fruit flesh that is :pinkiehappy:

Considering that Bat-Ponies are near the edge of Equestria wear little light comes in and they are surrounded by fruits like mangos, and also that cannibalism is just... don't even want to think about it with my favorite species of Equestrians.

Don't think of it as cannibalism, think of it was darwinism.

3861962 biting some one and eating/drinking them... i kinda count that as cannibalism. :unsuresweetie:

I like to think of Bat Ponies as being omnivores with the idea among the bat ponies of getting the iron they need through drinking of blood rather than killing an animal, cooking it, and eating it.

Well I've been doing a bit of research into the whole vampire bat idea. Wiki has been a big help as well as a couple zoology, and wildlife biology records on the Common Vampire Bat. Now normally the CVB to shorten the term, land on the rump,flank, and neck of their intended target. They also have the one ability that most other genus of the bats don't have....They can run and jump from land. Now I'm going to be switching a few things around for my story so it's not entirely ya know ugh marking their territory on their target. Which yes they do that to both lighten their weight and say that "Hey this is my meal ticket find your own." Also their what is known as sexual dimorphisim which means the females are bigger than the males. They are also polygynous which means they are a harem type of animal. The dominant male will usually lead a harem of about 6 or more females.

Now I can go on but I'm kind of going off on a tangent. :yay: I really like animal facts. Here is a link that should point you towards more info on them: Common Vampire Bat But in regards to wether Bat ponies should drink blood or fruit? I would agree on the more omnivore side, since they also have the pony side of the genus spectrum to take into consideration. So blood if say their wounded and need that magical burst of healing, and fruit for their main diet.

Hope this helps and sorry for the long post... :twilightblush:

3725495 Fruits and blood, anything that has juices in it.

In my opinion I think it would vary from Bat pony to Bat pony but their general diet would pretty similar to other ponies with 3/5ths of it containing fruit in some form. As for the blood thing I only see that being a Vampire Bat pony thing or any bat pony with Vampire bat pony blood. They would only need few ounces every day but other than that they have pretty normal diet too. I also see there being places in Equestria now that would provide the blood supply needed by the slowing growing Vampire Bat pony population.

Mostly fruits but some blood.

Bat Ponies are hematophagous omnivores. They can survive without blood just like humans can survive without meat but it is sometimes difficult. In public, they eat fish, poultry, and fruit, but when among carnivores or other omnivores only they will also eat large mammal meat. Bat ponies will often get supplements to suppress their thirst.

Why not Apple Juice? Both me and My Female Bat Pony Self love that so much. X3

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