Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

Okay everypony, what are the rules? Do we post stories? If we do, how do what stories would be allowed? What is grounds for locking a thread or banning a member?

Someone should be asking Turbo these questions. This is the first group I've been on the ground floor on, so I'm a little confused.

Group Admin

3295226 You can write anything you want, anything goes except for bullying and trolling
Trolling is allowed except if it bothers someone

Group Admin

3295256 Gotcha. This is a place where friends can share some stories and hang out. General rule: Don't be a dick.

Fair enough. I'm not sure you guys consider me a "friend" but I'm game.

Group Admin

3295276 I just met you, but I treat everyone here as a friend. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

3295305 Thanks for that. :twilightsmile:

I'll post my story tomorrow.

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