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Group Admin

Ah, Rust. If you do not know what the video game Rust, is.. Run. Its not too late. Just click 'back' right now. No? No. Noooooooo! (*echo*)


As I was saying, Rust.

(Gather around, everyone.)

A heartless, cruel, but addicting game where the difficulty and entertainment value is mainly decided by the company. (Though I assume you already know this If you have ever played on one of the official servers before :yay:)

To survive in the world of Rust, it is smart to make/bring friends. With trustworthy friends you can strategize, build grand structures, or simply goof off :twistnerd: If any Rust players are within our presence, does anyone want to friend-up and make a party? I also made a group called Rust specifically for strategizing and such on Fimfiction, if anyone is interested.

(Btw, I didnt see any rules aside from "You can write anything you want, anything goes except for bullying and trolling. Trolling is allowed except if it bothers someone", so forgive me if this group promotion breaks a rule or something, feel free to remove it if thats the case.)

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