Forum Weapon Arsenal 73 members · 0 stories

Ever had that moment where you wanted to tell OP he was a duck, but simply couldn't be bothered to find that perfect PNG or GIF?

For the discerning forum-goer looking for the perfect, quality reaction images, animated GIF images, and even YouTube hotlinks, the Forum Weapon Arsenal, or F.W.A., is (hopefully) the only place you'll need to go. Our members hand-pick and craft the tools of the forumite's trade for any and all situations.

In the many Armories and Warehouse threads, you'll find our stashes of images and hotlinks, all ready for immediate* deployment to the battlefield of your choice; forums, comment sections, and more. Please refer to our Directory if you wish to find something your require with relative ease.

On the Factory Floor, you can contribute your own images and videos, so that our collection becomes more distinct and unique; and therefore, much more useful.

On the Drawing Board, you are free to make suggestions of gifs or videos you want made but are not yet made. NOTE: The Drawing Board is currently just a suggestion.
We're joking.

The Code of Conduct
Read these carefully if you wish to join and participate.

1: Be respectful of your fellow members. We're only here to have fun and share our tools of forum warfare with the net, so any misbehaviour and flaming of other users will not be tolerated.

2: Do NOT post images or videos that are considered NSFW in nature, or otherwise contain disturbing visuals that could be considered NSFW. Doing so is against our rules, as well as FiMFiction's, so being so bold as to attempt this will result in expulsion from the group and a report to the site mods. Images and videos with swear words / other language and vulgarity are allowed, but don't take advantage of our benefit of the doubt.

3: Do not spam the group forums. The purpose of the forum is to arrange and organize the images, and a cluttered mess of spam only makes it hard to read. Spam threads will be INSTANTLY deleted with no notice, and warnings given out.

4: We are not a review group, nor do we condone the abusive use of our assets. Our goal is to share and equip our patrons for anything. We will not take responsibility for any non-member using an image or video we created, but if a member is caught using it improperly, they will receive a warning. Bans will follow if further infractions are detected.

5: Most of all, play it cool.

We provide the tools; not the rage.

*Please allow a 0.6 millisecond delay in image processing and recognition. Offer void in Russia.

Leaping is mai waifu.

Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 1 - 8 of 8

Yay! Dead groups are my favorite.

What is this shit?

Finally. I see gifs and images, wanted to use them, but was too lazy to take the link another used and go back and get the gif and image. Now I can just use this group and stock up on ammunition!
Praise The Lord and Pass the Ammunition! (get the reference? :P )

Just thought I'd note down here that if you post a thread to start a new vault category for image/video dumping, I might need to randomly rename the topic for organizational purposes.

And yes, this is because I'm just that OCD about it. Deal with it.


I have such a vast collection of these in my pearl trees. :twilightsmile:

Welcome, new recruits. Heil HYDRA.

  • Viewing 1 - 8 of 8