The Idea Exchange 266 members · 37 stories
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Patches, the hyena, the spider, but most importantly unbreakable.

This charecter has a very simple yet intresting arc in all the games he was (demon souls, dark souls, dark souls 3, bloodborn)

He is a treasure hunter who always tries to trick you and puts you in problematic situations( mostly by kicking you into a hole) so that and you go through the troble and if you die, he comes and skavemges you when corps but if you come out of those situations, he begs for mercy and then becomes a humble merchant.

It is very intresting that how he calls himself "trusty patches" and his development from dark souls 1 to 3 is facinating! He totally changes and for once, he helps you out and advises you about the man's greed.

A charecter like this would be a great addition to an adventure story! Since you won't just end up teaching your charecter to not trust others in this encounters, you also gain a very intresting side villain who ends up being helpful after all the matters you will go through with him.

7269164 In my novel

TSweetie Belle Gains a Soul
In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.
Bad Dragon · 132k words  ·  178  45 · 6.8k views

, there's a witch that is nothing but a scourge on the world.

However, she also has her own demons to bear and has no choice but to save the main character to rid herself of the demon menace.

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