Adagio Dazzle 908 members · 912 stories
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i am surprised, due to how much waifu material adagio is, why they arent more x reader fanfics, much less x MALE reader fanfics. i would like more if its not too much trouble

more x reader fanfics? What in Equestria are you talking about?

He wants 2nd person fics, which are garbage. Or Adagio x any male character, so he has someone with a penis he can imagine himself in the role of.


Just curious. The way he worded it made it confusing as hell.

Agreed. You get used to translating "stupid" after a while though.
Properly typed and readable sentence version would be:

Adagio Dazzle is such prime waifu material that I am surprised more 2nd person fics and/or Adagio x any male fics have not been written. I would like other people to write more of these if it isn't too much trouble.

"x male" and "x reader" are, much like his lack of interest in things like capitalized letters where appropriate, a lazy shorthand. It is assumed we'll "get it" because it makes obvious sense in his head. He's omitting the "Adagio" part since this is the Adagio group.

The problem here isn't merely, "lol, grammar nazi, no one likes you go away." It is that lazy assumption that everyone else understands every little shortcut made, and instead of explaining himself, he just assumes everyone else will understand him just fine. So you're perfectly right to be confused.

It's also amusing how he ends it with, "if it isn't too much trouble." It clearly is too much trouble for him. It is a standard expectation that if you want a story to exist, write it. If other people really were on board with the things you like, they would have written the stuff themselves. Just because you want more of a thing doesn't mean it suddenly becomes popular. Write it and make it popular.

Just watch though. His response to that will be that he isn't a god or confident writer. Even though that is plainly obvious to us.

Write it yourself. If you're bad at writing, we all start somewhere. Write it anyway, get practice and experience from it, and you'll end up making what you want. Do it long enough, and you may even become good at it and proud of your own work. If it isn't too much trouble, that is.


Well one thing is certain, I sure the hell won't be writing any Adagio x male fics for him to get off to. The best he'll be able to do with my work is pretend Sunset Shimmer is a male. I never have cared for the male x waifu material fics. They all turn out the same way, "you" or "Anon" always winds up bagging the object of the author's affection. I did a second person fic involving a "you" wanting to be Sonata's boyfriend but in the end an overly protective Aria killed him.

I like the cut of your jib.

Its mostly because most male self-inserts are rushed or centered too much on the intimate moments. I HAVE read a few that are legit in length, pacing, and mood, but it remains only a few. Self-insert fics need editors as much as any other fic.

Majin Syeekoh

Adagio Dazzle belongs with my OC!

Or just me self inserted, but I don't think anyone would actually want to read that, so I'm afraid I'll have to pass.


I get the sense you're a member of the second wave of Pony fans--people who watched the show as kids, and are now old enough to use the internet unsupervised. It's always good to see new people, but there are a few things to be aware of.

This fandom promotes creativity and self-improvement. Thus, I recommend writing what you want to read, but no one else has written. Then, improve your skills. Read either talented fan-authors or professional authors or both. Workshop your stuff, edit, rewrite, and watch as your work gets better. And above all, be patient. It takes time, but it's a rewarding hobby. And who knows--maybe you'll find an untapped market.

Or, you can just wait until you're old enough to commission authors to write the stories you want. Y'know, either way. :duck:

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