Kirin 279 members · 126 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin

I noticed the group admin hadn't been online since before canon Kirin were introduced, so I asked to have the group transferred to me. I'm reworking the groups slightly and will add some stories to the folders.

Thank you for the effort! Will you be adding additional folder categories as well? (e.g. "Kirin as a Group" stories v. "Story involves a Kirin") Or some other categorization(s)?

Group Admin

We can do that. Let me think a little.

Any chance that there could be folders for non-canon/pre-canon takes on kirin and another for the canon one? This group was always a pretty good source for pre-canon stories and I wouldn’t want them to be lost or drowned out.

Group Admin

Interesting idea. I'll try to do that soon.

Be ready for some flack, as some people might be opposed the suggestion I have ever supported as I also like to read stories of the pre Canon interpretation of what a kirin could be


Considering this group housed them for years, I don’t see why they should just be tossed out from the group. Having their own folder seems like a reasonable fix.

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