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Everything Wrong With

In 3000 words or less



This story is a sequel to +1 Up

Author thinks I'm actually going to read the first one 1

Ever since that day Button lost to Double Points in Street Fighter, the two became great friends. Friends who would meet everyday to duke it out in Street Fighter, to trade Pocket Monsters with their Joyboys and to compare high scores in Pac-Pony. As the two get older, going on High School years, they seem to get closer. Too close for Sweetie Belle's comfort. Now she tries to split the gaming duo so she can show her true feelings for Button without Double Points getting in the way.

Bring on the cliches! 2

Chapter 1: Player 2

The day had finally arrived. The day almost every student in Miss Cherilee’s class awaited.

Whoa, whoa, wait. You said back in the description that they are now in high school. Back in the canon Mlp universe Button and Sweetie Belle are litle kids. So you're telling me that Cheerilee stopped teaching little kids and bumped her way up to high school just to start out the plot?? +3

The next school year would be the first year of high school for the children.

Agan, she taught their little asses all through f*cking elementary through eighth grade?!?! 4

What were they to do when they have all the time in the world?

Sit on your ass and do nothing... 5

and he would do it with none other than; new student, and his gaming friend, Double Points.

Add "the" and remove that semicolon 6
Also clever name for a gaming friend... That's all, no sin... Move it along...

She and him met when Button was in the 5th grade of his class, and she had joined the class when the 6th grade had begun.

Uh, how to sentence correctly? 7

Button thought that Sweetie was cool and all, but she’s fairly new to the gaming world and Double was actually somepony who knew what she was doing. Somepony who Button could communicate with without having to explain a game’s lore.]

Hahahaha, girl gamers 8

Another thing was Sweetie would always act odd around Button. Button didn’t pay it any mind, but every so often Button would catch Sweetie staring at him with a blush across her face. Something was up with her, Button knew that. But he played it safe by not bothering with whatever was going through Sweetie’s mind.]

Hahahahaha, "boy is clueless that girl likes him" cliche 9

She had been away to Manehatten with her father. She served as one of the children in the test audience for a new video game along with a new console to come out sometime in the next year.

Let me guess PBox One? 10

[x] Sleeping bags. (incase we play late into the night)

A teenage boy who is just now starting to understand what his "friend" can do sleeping with a girl in his room... Is there any room for an innuendo? 11

‘Well that was random...’ Button thought.

Ah, those forgotten days 12

She had known Double was a game freak like Button and had caught them conversing with one another on multiple occasions, but she always thought that she rolled with Diamond and Silver given her wealth and social class.

"Boy hangs out with much cooler chick because she's rich and a tomboy ignoring the one who truly loves him because reasons" cliche 13

“Well, it’s awesome to see you here. But Button, didn’t you say it was just going to be the two of us?” Double asked turning towards Button.]

Where are the commas? 14

“Yeah… Okay, sure!” Double said, sounding as if she was let down in some way.

I think we all know this cliche 15

I’ll just write him a letter letting him know that I’ll sleep here tonight.”

Because any self respecting father would let his preteen daughter stay at a boy's house for the night 16

“Cool! That means we can play all night!”

My mind is all in the wrong place right now 17

Not only was her sister not Okay with her sleeping over at a colt’s home,

Rarity is a c*ck block 18
Also, you wouldn't expect Rarity to shoot down promiscuity, given how she's often represented in the fandom 19

“I present to you… LEGEND OF TAMAN! FOR THE PEGA GENESIS!” Her voice boomed.

You know what, that was clever and well delivered, knocking a sin off -1

“Exactly Miss Belle! A fantasy RPG.” Double says with a deep whisper.

<checks story's maturity rating> 19

I was hoping it was just going to be Button and I tonight… Oh well. Hopefully Sweetie won’t newb out on us.’

Nah, she's just a major c*ck block 20

Chapter 2: Choose Your Character!

The water class was another mare; she was a unicorn however and she had pale blue fur. Her eyes were as white as pearls and her mane was a darker blue with white streaks splashing through her mane, her mane had a watery look to it. Unlike the fire class, she had a kind smile on her muzzle.]

Was that a snowdrop cameo? 21

“Hm, which one should you pick Button?” Sweetie asked as she scooted closer to the colt. Button paid it no mind, simply shrugging it off as if she needed a better view.

I know you're like what; thirteen maybe fourteen? But you aren't that f*cking clueless! 22

“‘He’s cute?’ Sweetie, look… You don’t choose a class just based off how he or she looks.” Button began but was interrupted by Double.

“Do stallions really play as mares just because of the stats?” She asked jokingly.

“... Please don’t Double… Just… Don’t tread that land there.” Button said as he pointed at Double. “Anyway, it’s a very crucial decision to make in these games… It’s serious. It takes a lot of thought, a lot of soul searching-”

“Just choose the freaking Water type and get on with it!” Double exclaimed.

“Right, going with Water…” Button said sounding defeated.

Okay, the growing tension in just these few lines of dialogue is very apparent, shows, and can be felt, say bye to a few sins -4

“Button. We’ve been friends for three years, you should know that I feed you bull crap sometimes. But don’t worry. Just be glad I didn’t give you the Air class.” Double joked.

Sweetie quietly growled.

Geez, what a bitch 19

While it may seem cliché, Button and Double’s hand met on the same cookie.

Oh shit, did you just acknowledge your own cliche? No sin added, none taken away...

‘Oh you’re welcome Miss Belle...’

Sabotage 20

chapter 3: Damage +10

A long pause fell over the room, then Sweetie Belle suddenly leaped up into the air and yelped with fear.

Rarity is about to whoop that ass 21

Maybe next time...’ Sweetie thought. ‘Maybe next time.’

Though I feel her pain, "confession is cut short by time" cliche 22

Sin Tally: 22
Sentence: The Temple of Treighnu. (With an air class)

I don't do these at all, but I feel this story should have one. Although it is ridden with the most obvious teen boy and teen girl cliches, there are moments where I saw my self those four years ago. I wasn't that damn clueless though!

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