Knights in Rusty Armor 302 members · 494 stories
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Not with anything personal, at least not too personal. I require a little assistance with a chapter in my fic (don't read the chapter posted on my profile, it's under HEAVY reconstruction, and I'm throwing out the prologue), and it has something todo with a minor plot/getting into a mental state.

In a nutshell, I need help being a bully. I was bullied most of my life, and have a deep hatred for it, but I myself have never been a bully, or even thought about it. The whole idea is just absolutely foreign to me. I can't even think of ways for a bully to work. I have a bully show up, I have a basic type for what kind of bully she is, but when I try to write what she will say and do to the main character of that chapter, I just draw one huge blank.

So.... Odd question, any ex-bullies/trolls out there wanna help write a scene? Don't even have to be that, just a desire to help would be great.

3901051 I'm not a bully or a troll, but I am a professional author. I'm also bored. PM me and I'll lend a hoof.

The thing you need to know about bullies is that they typically bully for a reason. Normally cuz they themselves have been bullied, trying to climb the social ladder or they just do it to be a dick.

3901051 I could give some examples on what you're looking for. What's the context and characters? That's important.


I'm not a bully nor a troll, but i've experienced them for most of my life, that i know how they act. Whenever i fight back to bullies, i mostly say facts that contradict whatever the bully is saying, but i think i can do something like 'plain insulting'. I think. Because most trolls and 'bullies' i encounter only uses plain insults.

So in short, i THINK i can help you here. Note, though, not all bullies are the same. There are some who has some 'intelligence' to their brains, and their insults are not just plain, non sense insults, but they try to find your sensitive spots and use them against you. There are many more types of bullies and trolls, too many to say on the comments box. I can help you, if you want.

Well, you gotta understand how they think. Most bullies do it for social status or because lashing out hides the pain they feel inside, that they don't want anyone to know about. Every now and again you'll encounter a true sadist, but those are exceptionally rare.

If you want behavior, look at Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon.
DT picks on the CMC because it gives her a sense of power. When she successfully manipulates their feelings, or turns others against them, she feels like she has won some sort of dominance over them, and this largely stems from her relationship with her father. She was born rich, but was under her father's hoof. She feels powerless at home, and has few friends due to her family's immense wealth (no doubt she's been raised to feel contempt for less fortunate ponies). So harassing the CMC gives her that sense of power, and helps hide the loneliness she feels.

Silver Spoon also helps fill this role, but SS is in it for different reasons. She likely comes from a wealthy family as well, but it's apparent that she doesn't fully agree with much of DT's cruelty. More than likely she sticks by DT's side to gain status that she lacks on her own. She has poor self esteem, and constantly looks to gain DT's favor, often trying things she assumes DT will find amusing.

Here are two distinct bullies that you can look at if you're feeling lost. If you need specifics for others, I can help you. I was bullied pretty much my whole life, and I've learned to see through a lot of them. I have never been one, but I understand how they function.

3901821 I can help you out on this one.:rainbowdetermined2:

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