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In the Equestria Region, exists a familiar girl. A high-strung but exemplary girl named Twilight Sparkle. Her plans of being a researcher are thwarted by a Pokemon of darkness and the meddling of her mentor, the Champion Celestia. She finds she must save the region from utter chaos.

In the latest chapters, she and her group have made it to Appleloosa where infestations are growing and certain Pokemon, without warning, are going mad. Watch Twilight figure out the answers to these seemingly unexplainable events.

Hope you're all doing well. I started this story a long time ago, and life and my own problems got in the way. I decided I wanted to find a way back to this story, update it a bit more consistently so I'm eager to see what people think of it as it is right now.

It's an action-packed adventure fic with episodic chapters and an overarching story. While beats of certain episodes are covered, they're given a new coat of paint in this AU. If you're a Pokemon fan and it sounds like you're thing please check it out, especially now that we're nearing the end of a saga of sorts.

I look forward to pretty much any comments so long as they're engaging with the story. Hopefully I'll see you there!

EMy Little Pokemon: Sun and Moon
In the Equestria Region exists researcher Twilight Sparkle who, after discovering a terrifying legend, must set out to save everyone... And, unfortunately for her, make some friends.
WezzaHD · 86k words  ·  73  13 · 3.5k views

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