Pinkemena (and not the evil one) 96 members · 19 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Well, it seems that the current group's mods are not around. Because of that I and other members decided to apply the Bender solution. This means we made up our own group, with blackjack and hookers more folders and an actual administration.

With that said, you are all welcome and encouraged to join (specially encouraged since there's only two member on it) and, since the group is still in development stages, you can help in the following way:
1.- Groups aren't just story folders, so if someone has an idea for a thread, go ahead, as long as it doesn't break the site's rules there shouldn't be a problem.

2.- Ad stories.

3.- We need two moderators.

Well, with nothing else to add, see you guys and gals there.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to put a link, here:

Can I be a moderator? I'm good at organizing and making sure things are administratored properly! ^_^ And I'm almost always online.
Oh and I love pinkamena and hate the evil portrayal.


Huh, could you, pretty please, tell me how I make someone mod of a group?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think if you click the members button on your group while you're signed in it should give you the option next to people's names.

It works!

P.S.:Press the reply button, otherwise I have no way to know if you replied.

4414898 oh I thought I did press the reply nutton, sorry ^^;

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