OC Edit Group 67 members · 10 stories
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Name: Swift Knight

Race: Bat pony (Thestral)

Color: coat: alabaster, mane: dark gray

Cutie Mark: A black rose

Short Bio: Swift is one of the new guards in Twilight's new castle. She is usually quiet and reserved, but can be very outspoken if she needs to. Swift Knight is also proficient in dual-wielding; her preferred choice of weapon is her twin daggers. She also doesn't like talking about her past to anypony, mostly because she is ashamed of what she used to do. She also has a soft spot for foals. Her cutie mark is a black rose.

Notes: N/A

Extra info: N/A

I am working on writing a story for her but I would like to have some input on Swift Knight before I start writing her story. Thanks in advance.

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

Name, Race, and Color are interesting. Cutie mark seems good since a black rose also represents Death and guards can be very deadly. There's a bit of Fluttershy in her.

I think she has potential, but I'm just one person.

I still feel like I need to work on her more. Which is way I was wondering if some people could help me out in some aspects of her character like her strengths and weaknesses.

Group Admin

4660953 My question is about the daggers. Use of daggers over spears or swords gives a bit of uniqueness as a guard but I do have to ask about duel-wielding. Now, as a guy who's written a duel-wielding character before, how does she wield the daggers?

Swift wields her daggers with both her hooves so she usually likes to attack from above which involves her to fly in order to have her hooves free.

Group Admin

4661044 Hmm...I personally would advise against hoof-wielding for the pure pony form. While ponies are show to do quite a bit with their hooves in the show, and even shown to stand on two legs, I personally don't like the idea in fan-fiction. Especially when it comes to weapons. My own character, a pegasus, carried a pair of swords using his wings. Now again, this is personal opinion but I go for some other method of using the daggers like bracers on the legs or a single held in the mouth. More so if this is a more serious story focusing more on action a such. If this is more slice-of-life, I wouldn't bother as much with the use of any weapons. Not as relevant there.

I know I'm spending a lot of time talking about the daggers but that is really the only thing I've got. All else looks decent. I'd say just let the story shape her rather than trying to determine every detail before hand. Personal thoughts, again.

4661059 I was thinking about having her use bracers but I thought that many people would compare swift Knight to the assassins from the Assassin's Creed series. Then again she is based off my favorite character from that series.

Group Admin

4661085 The fan enforces an idea I had to attach small blades to her wings. I've seen at least one person attach blades or such to pegasi wings and I think it would add a level of uniqueness and fit with the bat wing structure. I don't know, just throwing an idea out. You really are free to do what you want. Like I said earlier, the use of the hooves is just something I personally don't like.

4661094 Well her origin story will be a slice of life fic, but I do plan on having her kill two ponies. I wanted to use daggers for her because they are small and can be easily concealed. And the story will be about Swift having to kill somepony for the first time in her life in order to protect the ponies she cares for, so she isn't a guard at the time of the story.

Bryan Luna
Group Admin

4660953 Perhaps she should be an elite guard of some kind. I mean daggers are the tools of assassins and not really weapons. Still it's an interesting idea.

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