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Name: Shimmer Flitter
Sex: Stallion
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 19
CutieMark: A heart bound in silver

Abridged Bio: A shy pony from the crystal empire, he is friends with a dragonfly named Cuddles, quick and clever, always ready to lend a hoof, and protect the ones he cares for, despite being shy. Strong, and will not break easily, can be pushed to limits no normal pony can withstand, being so he often puts himself in harmful situations, to protect others.

Full Bio: Before he was born his parents, a unicorn named Daisy Forest, and a pegasus named Spring Snow, had a daughter they named Skya, in hopes of her being a pegasus, but she was a unicorn, they learned from this and one year later they were going to have a son. They decided on Shimmer Flitter, in hopes of him either being a pegasus, or a unicorn. When the day came for him to be born he was an earthpony, not wanting to change his name they kept it.

Because of his name he was mocked in school, the bullies would say things like. "Shimmer Flitter's a girls' name." and. "What a stupid name, your parents must hate you." With the constant bulling he didn't want to talk, so he became a mute, his family tried to make him speak but he just wouldn't. But the bulling had some good effects on him, being silent he was able to pay attention in class more, and he became one of the smartest ponies in his school.

One day during a fire, he smelled the smoke, and tried to wake up his family, but they didn't wake up, seeing as how it was up to him, he dragged his mom and dad out of the house to try to save them, his parents woke up when they felt him tugging on them, and ran out of the house with him. He noticed that his sister was still inside, so he ran inside to go and get her, as he was trying to get her out the building collapsed, crushing them. They were stuck under the rubble for three hours, as fire ponies tried to get them free.

When the fire ponies got them free and to a hospital he wasn't acting right, he wasn't responding to any sort of stimuli to see if he was alright. His sister used her magic to try to help and it worked, he was able to feel again, but he wasn't the same, he was terrified, he wondered why he was still alive. As his parents where about to leave he said. "I want....to protect.....my family." His family then took notice of his new cutie mark, a heart bound in silver, or a shield made to look like a heart, depending on how you looked at it.

As he was in recovery from his injuries he found a dragonfly that wouldn't leave him alone, he tried to shoo it away but it stayed by his side, like a friend would. "You won't leave me alone........why won't you?" He asked the dragonfly, and he felt as though the dragonfly replied, saying that he was going to be his friend. He named the dragonfly Cuddles, as it would always seem to cuddle up to him.

Now he lives in Ponyville, and helps ponies all around, making sure to protect them from danger.

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