Aria Blaze 621 members · 379 stories
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I'm having a bit of a hard time fixating on what Aria's character is really like. Sure, she's slightly-sarcastic, mean to Sonata, plays turnip-head to Adagio for all her plans, and briefly entertains the thought of taking the lead on a power raid in the cafeteria.

But other than that, there's nothing to work with. She might miss the waters of Equestria, and all the water she sees in Canterlot High reminds her of that (fountains, walk-in showers, etc). Or she might disdain the trappings of that universe (except for fashion) and be cranky with Sonata when she wants to indulge in stuff. Maybe she even prefers the finest products of whatever thing she's found to keep from going nuts at being trapped there.

3871664 maybe she's the only Siren who can sing without the gem, though she's only good at dining sad songs and ballads and the like.

Idk, I think there's so much that can be done with each Dazzling's character. I don't know about others, but I like to think of them as sisters who irritate each other, but they're also close knit (as sisters can be.) With Adagio being the eldest of them and wanting to be the leader as such, Aria as the sadly neglected middle child and doubles as Adagio's closest friend, and Sonata being the youngest of them all. They have their issues dealing with one another a lot, but they're still there for one another.

3871664 I like to think she's secretly creative, and sees the value in things like art ,literature, and nature. I also think all of the sirens truly care about each other, even though they get on each other's nerves

3871945 they'd have to develop some sort of bond after being stranded in the human world for as long as they have.

I have my ideas for their personalities:

Aria: All around cool girl, she doesn't mind taking the lead but is very sarcastic to those she finds 'beneath' her style. She won't admit it, but she loves Sonata and Adagio.

Adagio: Collected and free of petty annoyances, Adagio is the most bold out of them and gets angry when someone questions her.(EX:"ITS Equestrian magic!"~"But this world doesn't HAVE Equestrian magic."~"It does now." And "Follow my lead."~"Or my lead"~"MY lead."

forgot sonata,
Sonata: Outgoing and hiding nothing, this girl is clueless and your average teen, except for the fact that she likes singing and the destruction it causes.

Adagio: Collected and free of petty annoyances, Adagio is the most bold out of them and gets angry when someone questions her.

Well, she *would* be free of petty annoyances if Sonata and Aria would stop insulting each other. :D

Gaps in characterization can be pretty good for development. As long as something doesn't outright go against something previously established, more added stuff can work. Especially if you can weave bits of canon into it. For example, if I had to come up with side hobbies for the sirens, I'd say Aria would probably be the most physical or athletic of the bunch; playing off her more tomboyish attire. But, I honestly can see a myriad of additions working just fine

Given her lack of screen time we do have a bit more to work with to craft her character. I've borrowed a bit with other writers to start off with but stil made her fit my world.

Unlike the others she wasn't an orphan before becoming a Siren and she was somewhat unwilling in becoming a Siren, but had to to save her mother from Discord. She misses her beloved mountains of Haven, and her real passion isn't in singing but in history. Before her transformation she was training to be a Memory Singer, the keepers of Equestria's oral history during Discordant era.

He biggest wish in all honesty, besides getting away from Adaigo and Sonata, is to return home to Haven.

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