Aria Blaze 621 members · 379 stories
Comments ( 22 )
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This is an odd pairing but I think has potential for entertainment value, people pair Dusk with Sonata, but what do you all think of pairing Berry Bubble with Aria?

The constantly happy with the cruelly grumpy? The more I think about it the more I like it. Thoughts?

4724089 Yeah? Not to cliche?

4724092 Nope!
I actually have a headcanon Aria fell into depression because she missed Equestria so much, maybe Bubble Berry could help her out of her funk. :pinkiesmile:

4724099 Yes, yes. At first she HATES him she goes all cranky doodle, he dos the inexplicable reappearing stuff, cupcakes here and their, confetti burst from her locker, she finally has enough chews him out, he deflates, but she later realizes that she misses him, she misses the surprises around every corner, the random silliness. She then wants to cheer him up to say she's sorry.

4724231 I think I have a story to write, thanks!

4724374 :rainbowkiss: Link me when you finish!

4724489 it does take me a while, in the mean time I'd be honored if you checked this lil number

Like Tennis said...i think its a wonderful ship and great to come story :pinkiehappy:

Ew, r63? GAY.

How long have you been a part of this site? R63 is nothing next to some of the fetish stories that end up on this site.

And really, what's wrong with R63 in the first place?

There are other things I can point out that are worse/better (in my opinion) therefore this thing is not good/bad at all.


As for what is wrong with it? Already explained. Really.

4732389 So lesbians are fine, but gays are ew?

You're a quick one. Do you do windows?

4732346 Thanks! I thought so too

4732374 you do realize I am implying a FEMALE Aria and a MALE Berry? Or are you just being derogitory?

You are entitled to your opinion and I did ask for it so... Thanks?

You did indeed ask for my (as well as others) opinions. Also, rather than get all defensive and high and mighty over my less than kind opening post, you kept your cool. I like that.

Alright, since it seems like you have a head on your shoulders that has some usability to it, I'll go ahead and give a proper response. I'd like to point out that, for starters, your idea is incredibly vague, not at all well developed, and you don't seem to have a solid grasp on those things you're missing to ask for them. As such, your post comes across as very much like the common drek that plagues the site. A bunch of mindless idiots not worth the time to bother helping. Hence my initially unhelpful response.

So lets say you're actually serious with this idea and plan to write a story. What you're really presenting is simply two names and a vague sense of who they are. Technically this is a good place to start, as you're at least grasping at characterization, which is pretty much the most important part of any good story, and especially so for romance stories. The big problem, aside from not having much of an idea apparently for these two characters, is that (like most people) you're stuck on the "what" rather than the "who." Your choice to r63 one of the characters is a giant red flag for exactly that problem. "Bubble Berry" is basically Pinkie Pie with a dick. If you're not writing a clopfic, what does it matter if Pinkie has a dick or a vagina? The actual character doesn't have a dick, and she's a perfectly interesting, funny, and likable character. If you're planning to make significant changes to her character to make it more "manly" then you're treading into OC territory, and I have to question why bother clinging to the "Pinkie Pie" namebrand? It's dishonest, and a crutch.

See more of my thoughts on that topic here in a blog I wrote. This problem comes up that often. If, for some reason you're really stuck on a "happy/funny/silly" character that is male, you have Cheese Sandwich and Party Favor in canon.

As for the "gay/straight/lesbian/whatever" question, hey. I have a blog for that too. But, basically, if you're writing it simply to be a "het ship" then, bleh. You're going about it wrong. You're matching a female character with a female character, so just let them be together and focus on the story and conflicts, not some hangup about orientation.

The center of your possible conflict seems to revolve around: "Aria is grumpy. Pinkie Pie cheers her up." So how does this lead to romance? Is this the only conflict in the story? If so, boring. Seen this basic story countless times over. Dressing it up with this set of characters doesn't make it a new story. Once again, as covered in those blogs, just because you put a different set of colors, and some token effort to change the details around to say it is about "this set of characters" you're still not telling an original story.

So this is my opinion and feedback. You're throwing out a lot of red flags that you have a bad idea. You seem to be falling into the same trap as a lot of bad and mediocre writers: trying to rely on namebrand alone to seem like you're being original, when you're really not. You're entirely missing an actual idea for a story, and there isn't really much of anything to actually help you with. You're also straying away from characters that are well-developed and well-liked, into characters that to have any chance of being remotely good, will have to be developed and made interesting. That's hard to do even for skilled writers.

4732452 hmmm hmmm, ok great points here! Really given me a lot to ponder. The concept of this pairing just came from the various Dusk + Sonata fics I've read. I know some people don't like them, but I do. So, yeah it's following that same tread, (shrug).

I don't really have a "story" ready apart from the basic description, a few ideas and scenarios but nothing concrete. But definitely not clop, I just can't do clop.

This is probably a few weeks, if not months, if not at all, away. But if I write it and it tanks, oh well. I've never been feature and I doubt I ever will be, won't stop me from trying you know? If even one person gets a grin from it, that's fine.

But seriously thanks for the great insight, it comes off a bit abrasive, but your not wrong. I am copy pasting your points to my notes.

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