Aria Blaze 621 members · 379 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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I'm planning a story focusing on Aria and her sisters' downfall, but mostly Aria, and what happened to them later. It's gonna be fairly dark, not necessarily gory, but fairly bad. But in the end, Aria will rise and redeem herself. It's all based on a dream I had last night, but it was so vivid and moving that it's stuck with me all day, I can't stop thinking about it. It involves Aria turning to drugs after the BotB, and Adagio slowly using her addiction to take control and abuse her. Aria later runs away and is helped to make something of herself. I have a full Synopsis already written out, I'm just gonna need someone to edit for me and be a sounding board for ideas. Any takers?

At the least, I think it sounds like a good idea. If you're willing to accept my help, then I'm willing to lend an ear and whatever else you need.

Dooooooope! You da man Lazruth! I'll PM you the full synopsis I wrote, so that it won't be spoilers here in the thread!

5687127 If you'd like a third pair of eyes, I may be able to lend a hand. It sounds like a good read.


Cool co-cool cool cool, very cool. If you're interested I'll pm you the synopsis at lunch time, I'm about to start work.

5688053 Send it over whenever you have time. I'll try to get to it tonight.

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