Displaced 4,433 members · 1,269 stories
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Group Admin
Kaffeina #1 · Dec 14th, 2016 · · 30 ·

The Following Details the Specifics of Being Displaced-
In order for a story and character to be amongst the Displaced of our group, it must follow the restrictions and requirements, below. Should you decide, you may use only one of these elements in order to be considered a Displaced story. While crossovers are the "easiest" choice, they are not the only one.

We encourage finding a non-invasive way to add, again, at least one of these elements to your story

1. The story must be a crossover in which a character from one universe is transported into Equestria. - FiMFiction.Net Specific Rule.

a. Exceptions include the Displaced groups on other sites.

2. The story must make, at the very least, references to the Displaced Multiverse.

a. Just mentioning one Token and its saying will not suffice, as anyone can use a Token.

b. Having the character reference other Displaced who they have never actually crossed over with, for instance Character A saying they met Character B, but said reference is in neither story, does not count. Both people referencing it does count.

c. Using a Token to, for instance, speak with another Displaced for a short time is acceptable.

d. As Displaced are made by Void Dwellers, that is a point towards your story being a Displaced, but does not make it a Displaced immediately. A Void Dweller must make a decent reference to the Void or other Displaced.

i. Vagueness will not suffice, though in some cases is acceptable.

ii. Example of an acceptable reference: Displacer (or proxy) appears and talks to the Displaced. Whilst talking, Displacer (or proxy) explains what the Displaced now is, what makes them Displaced, and gives base examples of other Displaced either through handing over "Character Files" or showing windows to other Displaced Worlds. This could constitute as a small crossover.

e. The Displaced character must, at some point, create a Token or use one. Exceptions:

I. Void Dweller makes it for them.

ii. Another Displaced contacts them.

These rules are open to interpretation and being creative in your approach is heavily encouraged.

Since it was not clear enough.

If you have any questions, make them below. Keep all questions on topic, and if you do not have a question, do not post. If you wish to show your support for these rules, upvote. These rules are subject to minor changes and will not, repeat, will not be removed.

Should it not follow any of these rules at all but you still consider it 'Displaced' it can be placed in the, hopefully, aptly named folder -The Inspired-.

5687753 When you make it a requirement to force authors to crossover their story with someone else's through a few means, which might take away from the story when they just want their story to be about their character instead of involving others from other stories, it kinda ticks people off to the point where they just might say 'fuck it' and do whatever they want.

5687768 I must agree with you. I don't think forcing authors to go and crossover with someone elses displaced story is going to always be good. It kind of limits the imagination of the author and would lead to to them not even wanting to write what they see as being a story worth making on here due to the rules.

5687768 5687776
Guys, she's just saying that while Crossovers are required for the story to counted as a Displaced, they're an option. She's not forcing anyone to do Crossovers.

Group Contributor

>people complaining that forcing people to cross over is bad

>that's literally one of the biggest indicators of displaced


If you want to do a shitty HiE where your character is a video game character, but still your OC, go for it bud I don't give a shit.

Group Admin
Group Admin


Noted: Three Votes for Renaming Group "Glorified HiE"

5687681 Seeing as how Cross overs end up ruining so many good stories I don't think it should be forced upon writers, encourage? sure, but forced, no.

Really, the name of the genre isn't "Crossed over with other cross overs" it's Displaced, witch means someone brought from one universe to another (usually Equestria).

Take Hollow Shades, in my opinion one of the best displaced stories, but yet by these rules it's not even considered a Displaced, even though it follows the most basic Displaced outline to a tea, Person goes to Comic con, person get's something from a shady merchant, person finds themselves in Equestria as a fictional character. tell me if you had to quickly describe the displaced it wouldn't be pretty much that? I doubt you can.

Now I think that a good cross over can be great for a story, as long as there not overused and/or distract to much from the story you're telling, but out right forcing authors to do them is not right and just asking for shitty story's that were only made to cross over with others.

I mean think about it, in all the multiverse do you really think that every single Displaced will end up leaving their new home universe to visit others? No, that is extremely unlikely there will always be a few outliers, like Hollow Shades above.

Group Admin

I will direct you back up to the rules posted and request you read the full details.

Or, as is unlikely you will not, I will put it, once again, here.
Blatant crossovers are not the only means in which a character can be considered Displaced.

Noted: FOUR Votes for Renaming Group "Glorified HiE"

Edit: Quick Description

the basic idea idea of Displaced is a multiverse where authors are encouraged to crossover with the gimmick of tokens
-Bronyhood of Steel

The point being MULTIVERSE and, as if we allow the groups you lot are suggesting, any and every HiE fic could be, by technicality, Displaced.

5687824 Okay, quick little nit pick here, Displaced stories are already HIE fics, HIE stands for Human In Equestria, About 99% of displaced fics fit this description, so the hole "glorified HIE fic" thing wasn't the best choice of words. okay, nit pick done.

Now I think that Pretty much having been displaced by the merchant or some other displacer selling things at Comic Con stamps the story as taking place in the Displaced Multiverse, seeing as that's in at least 80% of displaced stories and I haven't seen it outside of displaced (unless you can point one out to me).

another factor in deciding if it's displaced or not is if the author of the story submitted it to the group or not, because if they did it's more than likely taking place in the multiverse. as I said in my last post it's extremely unlikely that every single displaced would venture out further into the multiverse, in fact using multiverse theory it's 100% impossible to say that there would be no displaced who kept to them selves, as there would be a version of every single displaced who do just that.

I think that the the rules might need to be expanded a bit, to give more examples as to how one could prove their story a part of the displaced as the three example here wont work in every story.

now don't get me wrong, one of the reasons I love the displaced is for the cross overs, but so many stories just seem to use them for no reason or, in many cases, over use them, I've seen far to many stories that could have been great but they have 5 chapters telling their own story, and 25 telling other peoples stories. and really, I'm just sick of it, it's just hard to see so many authors fall into this trap just because they can't say no, or they just keep asking others for crossovers, it stinks.

Thanks for pointing out that i had read it wrong but i think my pint, (that is the one in this comment), still stands.

Also that quick description doesn't really stand, after all in universe (or would that be in multiverse?) you are a displaced after you leave you original universe and arrive in a new one, not after you make a token. (or at least to the best of my knowledge) what you was described in that quote is what the majority of writers do in/with their stories. minor nit pick yes, and it doesn't matter much but I like pointing these things out, Sorry.

Group Admin

The three examples are just that. Examples.

While yes, only Displaced has the Merchant, the Merchant is not the only means of Displacement, nor is the Con.

Tokens are fairly important in Displaced, but, simply moving universes does not make it a Displaced.

5687887 While I'll concede on the first to points, everywhere I've seen it described in universe someone who is displaced has been taken from one universe and put into another, that's the main description I've seen in universe, and just pretty much all of them make tokens, after all, it is kind of in the name, you know, displaced = Dimensionaly misplaced or something like that. They're not called multiverse travelers after all. (though that may just be because Displaced sounds better.)

EDIT: Granted this is just arguing Semantics and doesn't really matter, oh well, good night.

5687681 So in your eyes we have to make our stories follow your rules that you laid out because it would seem you are getting tired of so many Displaced stories appearing so you decided to add new rules to our already semi-long list of rules to make sure that our story stays as a Displaced or is kicked out and downgraded to a 'Glorified HiE'.


The story must be a crossover in which a character from one universe is transported into Equestria. - FiMFiction.Net Specific Rule.

This rule I agree with completely.


The story must make, at the very least, references to the Displaced Multiverse. Crossovers are preferred, however.

How will your character know it is even a part of the Displaced Multiverse when they themselves don't even know what the hell is going on? Because to me getting ripped from Earth only to be dropped off at some random planet in the universe (and all other parallel universes) kinda distracts from wanting to know 'Am I in another universe/dimension/etc.' because they will be more focused on 'How the hell am I going to survive in this new place and why the hell is my costume that I am wearing is now more realistic and why do I sound like my costume's character and how the hell do I get home?'


Just mentioning one Token and its saying will not suffice, as anyone can use a Token.

How will the Displaced even know about a Token or even know what one is without there being a crossover of someone's else coming to their universe/story to tell them what they are, what is going on and what that strange object in their hands is. Its not like some random Displaced is gonna show up, run up to your character and go "Okay this is a Token, it does this, this and this, we are this blah blah blah, you can use this to summon us or if you made one we can summon you. Kay bye!"


Having the character reference other Displaced who they have never actually crossed over with, for instance Character A saying they met Character B, but said reference is in neither story, does not count.

This pretty much requires a crossover to take place for this to even be possible, be it a short cameo with someone else or a chapter or two.


c. Using a Token to, for instance, speak with another Displaced for a short time is acceptable.

Once again requires a bit of a crossover to occur seeing how Tokens don't just fall from the sky.


As Displaced are made by Void Dwellers, that is a point towards your story being a Displaced, but does not make it a Displaced immediately. A Void Dweller must make a decent reference to the Void or other Displaced.

So now we have to get a Void Dweller into our story to tell us that we are a Displaced. Joy.


The Displaced character must, at some point, create a Token or use one. Exceptions:

So we have to either create a Token for others to summon us or use a Token to bring someone to us. Haha, no. This will more than likely require permission from the author of the Displaced we are trying to snag and they will probably say no.

Is there anything else I am missing or would someone else out there like to make a compiled list of things that our stories must have to appease our admin overlord? And I am just asking to cover all the bases, rather not have something left out and only then find out after the fact.

Group Contributor

5688124 sigh A lot of people seem to think this would be kicking out stories, or forcing authors to do a certain thing. No, you can write what amounts to a crossover-less Displaced. It's just not in this group, as this group exists primarily for the Displaced multiverse, not the universe of one character you want to write.
Also, it would be enough to receive a file a different Displaced send out. You could literally just ask somebody else, or mention that your Displaced does it in a story you wrote, to send out a file that explains Displaced. The Displaced in your story would read it, figure out they are in the Displaced-Multiverse through the file and bamm. Done. However unless crossovers are somehow an important part of the story, there is no real need to make it a Displaced. Yes, we call it Displaced, and it does stand for Dimensionally Misplaced - But we call it that way because of how it was named in-universe.
Tell me, why would your story even need to be Displaced? If you just want to use the concept of the clichè Displaced-entry, then you can use it and say your story was inspired by some Displaced-stories. However, unless it actually is in the Displaced-Multiverse, it is only a Human In Equestria-story, not a Human In Equestria / Displaced-story.
It's not limiting the author's creativity, because if they don't fulfill these criterias, there's no need for them to be in the group, as the only thing the group really is is a rallying point for authors who want to use the crossovers.
Honestly, if you just want to write your story the way you want it to, then don't make it Displaced. You can use things from Displaced-stories and say you're inspired by it, but unless it actually is a story that belongs to the group as the group works, there is no real reason to put it here.
If you really believe you need to do a crossover or something, then you're not creative enough yet to find a way around it. And seriously, just write your story the way you want and have it not be a Displaced. Simple as that.

5688142 Oh my god, you just did a way better job at explaining this to me then Midnight ever could. How are you not an admin for this group? You deserve a freaking gold medal for that explanation.


Okay, got that. But then why not allow stories INSPIRED by displaced in this group? It would help people looking for those types of stories find them. Create another folder to fit those stories, and this whole argument is pointless. I see a lot of what I would call displaced stories (YES, I KNOW my definition is wrong, you don't have to tell me for the 8th time) not in this group.

Group Contributor

5688161 When I saw this, I actually just went onto Middy's user page, and PM'ed her that you [Rainbow Kirby] suggested this. That's a really neat idea.

5688152 Because, while I might have explained it pretty well, I'm not doing all that much for the group besides that.

Ah, the shadow philosophers strike again. Coming at the final hours to clear the air and let in fresh enlightenment.

Group Contributor

5688161 She said she could do it. Thanks for suggesting this^^

Group Admin

I honestly didn't get the chance to do so, as you were mostly making a complaint about the new rules. However, thanks for the apt judgment of my abilities :raritywink:

Group Admin

5688124 In most cases, acquiring Tokens do not need author permission. There are certain cases where the token has to be given out specifically by that Displaced. More often than not they are sent out into the multiverse at random meaning they can end up anywhere at anytime as intended. Summoning the token user, however, does require the author's permission. And yes, Tokens literally do fall from the sky. Or can pop up anywhere if that's how the original author sent them out.

As for Void Dwellers, they're usually the ones that sent the Displaced to Equestria in the first place. For most cases, the Displaced are not just sent to Equestria by happenstance, it's because of the direct interference of a Dweller, like the Merchant.

Nor are these rules particularly new. It is only recently that people have been questioning what qualifies as Displaced so Midnight felt it was necessary to line up exactly what it means, as for some reason it had not been obvious before. Displaced has never been about just people randomly appearing in Equestria as a famous character or with special powers, they've always been interconnected and possess the ability to crossover into other stories.

Group Admin

5688161 That would depend. Are there any stories out there where the author has stated it was inspired by the Displaced? Because if the author themselves doesn't consider it a Displaced nor do they say it's inspired by it, why should it have anything to do with the group?

Group Admin

:ajbemused: Considering what I was dealing with at the time, I was a tad distracted

Group Admin

Get on Discord.


My story is of a G4 pony being teleported to a alternate version of the G3 universe. Does that count as a displaced story?

Group Admin

(Re)Read the rules above.

so, basically, we can reduce it to

"it has to be in the Displaced common settings and have to make it clear"

"at some point, the Token must be made or a random token must be used for worldbuilding"

"actual cross-over with other charathers (either made by other peoples or not) are not essential"

did I get it right?

Comment posted by Lycanthromancer deleted Dec 15th, 2016
Group Contributor

5689537 Being vague like that probably doesn't really help.
5689528 I would say yes. It is an alternate universe of Gen 3, so it would count as a different universe for a Gen 4 Pony.
However it would still have to fulfill some of the other criteria of Displaced to count as Displaced.
5689659 I think that is it. Although the random token for worldbuilding does not automatically make point A apply, so you are not wrong, but a bit too much on the vage side in my opinion. Oh well.


Sweet. I got a few to add when I get back on with my computer.


I have a Displaced story planned that I'm not 100% sure fits the bill here in this group, so I'm asking for your opinion on its validity.

The story goes like this:

A Displaced gets sent to the wrong world — one that ISN'T Equestria — by a tipsy Merchant. The Displaced can be summoned by other Displaced that had successfully been sent to their own version of Equestria, and vice versa.

Would it be valid here, or no?

Group Contributor

5690360 Well, aslong as it has ponies, it would be valid here. If it does not, it would still be Displaced probably - Just wouldn't belong onto FiMfiction. I think we had an "Archive of Our Own" tag or something too?


The ponies come later, when my Displaced gets summoned by another to one of the many Equestria variants. It's kinda like an on-again-off-again thing.

Group Admin

Sounds like it'd be good.

So, I was wondering. I started writing a Displaced story idea I had, and I have a thing for where I bounce ideas around in my head for a while, and when I get one I like, I bounce it around more to see if I can work it into something that I can expand and work with.

So anyway, this Displaced story I've written out, but haven't published yet, I started writing it based on some of the old guidelines that you set that it seemed within the margins of. But now I'm scratching my head about whether it fits in or not.

Does it count as displaced if I have my character:

a. Transported to Equestria via a Merchant instead of the generic Resident Evil guy that a lot of stories describe. With the merchant explicitly saying that my character is getting displaced because the omniverse needs people to be displaced in order to be properly reasembled as per described by the lore.

b. My character is not dressed up as another character from another franchise when he gets displaced.

c. I do plan on crossing over with and collaborating with other Displaced stories in future chapters past the intro chapters.

Group Admin

A. Yes, but don't state that as it's not 100% true.
B. Definitely.
C. *gives thumbs up*

All in all, you seem good to go.

A. I'll try to make it more vague on that part.

Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Sorry about the late reply. Good luck.

Group Contributor

5732279 That's a neat coincidence. I was going to look for you soon, because you're the only real critic I know xD
Well, theoretically the rules say that it obviously needs to be part of Displaced, because Displaced's main thing are that they all interact with eachother somehow, maybe indirect or something. As Midds put it, else we'd be glorified HiE.
I would still give you an A+ though xD

Group Contributor

5733255 The wording in the rules actually says not all are required - It mentions a crossover is the easiest way though. I know what you mean :rainbowwild: Well, okay then. You're the best bet I have for improving. I'll PM you when I've done enough then^^

Well, this whole thing has just turned into one big overturned anthill, hasn't it? All I'm really wondering at this point is if there's going to be some sort of "War of Return" between those who want to go home and those who believe that the Displaced shouldn't be allowed to do so, for fear of Earth-That-Was being devastated by the resulting OP ability abuse.

yea i don't think my story gonna work :facehoof:

Hey I got a question; I'm writing a few of my own Displaced stories but the characters are from my personal OC Universe, I'm wondering if this is alright or not?

Group Admin


*shrug* Go for it

Thanks, was asking, didn't want to get to trouble

When is "The Inspired" folder being added?

Would my story be considered "Displaced" or "Inspired by Displaced" if it:

-has a protagonist that is transformed into a native creature of the Equestria they were sent to, but not transformed into an actual character from another genre.
-was sent there by a void dweller/merchant.
-crossovers do not occur with other displaced stories because of reasons. (Admins put world into "lockdown")
-there are other displaced already in that same world but are not actual characters because they got mind-wiped by the big bad villain in the shadows of that world. They act like obstacles for the protagonist to overcome more than anything.

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