Babylon 5 25 members · 5 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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"I want a decent MLP/Babylon 5 crossover!"

Seriously, someone needs to get on this. We could use some brainstorming for ideas.

3834107 Now I sort of regret starting an XCOM crossover. I could try to juggle two crossovers at once, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that. :applejackunsure:

3836430 I don't; I'm quite looking forward to your next chapter of Devil's Toys. But I'd like to see a Babylon 5 fic, too.

3836956 I'm glad my story entertains you. As for brainstorming a B5 fic, when should it take place? During the Shadow Wars?

I think it would be interesting to explore what would happen if the ponies had arrived at B5 at the start of Season 2, when everything really began to get going.

Sorry for resurrecting this, but I've had this crossover idea in my head for a while now. Could be stupid, but oh well.
If I remember correctly, we never found out what happened after the remaining First Ones went beyond the Rim.
So beyond the Rim could be Equestria.
The downside to this is you probably wouldn't see much of Babylon 5 itself.

3912803 This group isn't active enough for me to frown upon resurrection. As for your idea, I think it has potential, but I'd need a more specific plot to be able to judge it well.

On a completely unrelated note, your presence seems to have classified Everypony is the Best Pony as a related group. :derpyderp1:



Everypony is the Best Pony as a related group.

In part because of me as well, as far as I can tell. My apologies.

3914937 No apology is necessary. I just found it very odd.


Well, it wasn't an entirely serious apology, haha. Similar Groups is a great little feature, but yes, sometimes its suggestions can be rather baffling. I take it as a sign that perhaps I should broaden my horizons and look into those other groups that many people with interests similar to mine seem to patronise. And then I don't.


Well, it wasn't an entirely serious apology

It wasn't!? :pinkiegasp:
How dare you, tricking me like that! :rainbowwild:

I've got an idea.

Timeline for B5 : When B5 gets decommissioned and blown up. Instead of exploding it gets sent through universes and time. It arrives in a different universe near a planet of sapient colorful equines.

Timelines for Equestria : (Prologue) A few hundred years after Celestia banished Nightmare Moon she is looking at the night sky and senses, something, arrive. She teleports there and finds B5. (Chapter One) Timeskip to canon beginning, but with lots of B5 tech all around the place.

I've been working on a pretty massive Babylon 5 inspired tale.

Set in the distant future, the colonies of ponykind have broken up into separate factions which vie for power amongst themselves. After a devastating war between the Earth ponies and the Pegasi, Twilight Sparkle makes the decision to build a station in the contested territory to provide neutral ground for the parties to meet and settle their differences peacefully.

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