Chakat Bronies 7 members · 0 stories
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There are many ways this sub-genre could work. Let me hear what your thoughts would be. How would the relations between Chakats and ponies be like? How would their presence effect Equestria? How and when did they get there in the first place?

Group Admin

Depends on the story I would guess... I would imagine that at first the ponies would be at least wary of the Chakats (being big, feline, claws, etc.). If their arrival was through a ship, then probably the whole planet would freak out to some degree (cause you know, aliens).

Personally I think maybe a warp drive malfunction boosted the ship off into unexplored space and when they finally got out of warp they were in the system, and promptly where confused by the star orbiting what their sensors see as a perfectly normal planet instead of a black hole like the star's motion suggests.

Hmmm, yeah, that is true.

Interesting. And yeah, total major freak out at first, lol.

Here's one of my ideas for a history/backstory that I had recently came up for an A/U fic (with a different mane 6, etc):
During his chaotic reign, Discord had summoned a considerable number of Chakats into Equestria, mostly for his amusement. When he was defeated by the Royal Sisters (and the Elements), the Chakats were one of the few things that remained (since they were unable to be sent back to Earth - or Chakona, still thinking about that). At first, the Chakats were shunned/feared by the ponies [a fate that would still continue in some parts of Equestria later on *cough, Ponyville, cough*], due to a combination of their appearances, unusual biology/sexuality, and (more importantly) an unfortunate association with Discord. That would eventually change however.
After the banishment of Nightmare Moon, the Chakats became involved in the restoration and development of Equestria. Most of them would leave to settle on an island technically owned by Equestria (a gift from the Princess). Others would remain in Equestria proper, and become one of it's many minorities (griffons, minotaurs, zebras, etc). Over time, they would fill a niche that is usually associated with the centaurs in other fantasy worlds.

In more recent history, at least three or four Chakats have moved into the Everfree Forest near Ponyville, as a combined study group/ forest Ranger team. These same Chakats would later be welcomed (reluctantly at first) by the Ponyville coummunity, especially by a certain 'winning' pony.:ajsmug:
It might also be mentioned (though I'm still thinking about this one) that Sunset Shimmer (the Twi of this verse) has/had a Chakat therapist back in Canterlot.
So what do you think so far?

Also for the 'Return of Harmony' sequel of the same A/U series mentioned above, I have some ideas for what Discord will do to the Elements (who are talking cats in this universe, instead of jewelry). He either sends them to-
A) The same Australian outback that Forestwalker lives in.
B) Marysville, Chakona (mostly because of the town's name,...and also the giant bunnies. Lol)
C) G-3 Ponyville!!!:pinkiegasp:

Group Admin

4226977 For c... I have not seen g3, but I have seen some of G1... the episode I remember most is the one with the wishing coins...

4226840 8/10, for Twilight not being Celestia's student. Other than that... I'm intrigued... I will not stand in you- StarRunner, are you drooling?

*quickly closes mouth* I can neither confirm nor deny your claims.

I've only seen the Midnight Castle special, and the 'Smooge' movie, of G-1 myself.
Then I suggest you watch some of the 'animated atrocity' reviews TheMysteriousMrEnter has done on that particular generation (just to get a better idea of what kind of hell the Elements, and maybe their 'Keepers' - aka the alt. Mane 6- are in for).
Also, Here's a peek at who five of the Elements will be.

Lol, thanks. I take it you're not a Twi fan?
Can't wait to see what your thoughts on it will be.
The other alt. 6 members/ Keepers [hence the name 'Keeperverse'] will be Maud Pie, Vinyl Scratch, Coco Pommel, Ditzy/Derpy, and CloudKicker.
And, do you think Sunset should have a Chakat therapist?
Lol. Hey StarRunner, wanna be in this story?:rainbowwild:

And another thing, being more familiar with Chakats than I am anyways, how much different would Equestria be having a population of Chakats living in it for almost a millennium? I know it would really depend on how many Chakats there are and stuff, but still, what's your thoughts?

Group Admin

4227149 Actually, it was 9/10, but dropped one because Twilight wasn't Celestia's student...

I'm more of a fan of the mlp fandom than the mlp show so I'm not really sure how Equestria would change...

I'm a black Chakat with white speckles, thus the "Star" part of my name.

Oooooh, now I see what you meant. Lol.:twilightsheepish::derpytongue2:

Hmmm, okay, guess I'll just have to make my own assumptions, or ask someone else.
Oh, and today I had another idea. What if Sunset in this verse had been adopted by a Chakat family, before becoming Celestia's pupil. What would you think of that?

I know StarRunner, lol. That's why I asked if you wanted to be in this series. Maybe as one of the new Everfree researchers/rangers? Or something else, lol.

Group Admin

4230788 And I see how you could have made that mistake. All is forgiven!

Well, as far as I know canonically we don't know anything about Sunset's parents. So if we go with that we won't have a hoard of angry Sunset fans trying to kill all of us... Sounds like it would open up some interesting possibilities!

I assume that phasers are out of the question... I'm a decent shot with a compound bow. What would we be researching?
(IRL I actually do own a hunting bow, never used it for hunting.)

The feeling is mutual.

Yes, lol. And based on the other A/U fics starring Sunset Shimmer that I've read, most seem to agree that she is an orphan who either became adopted by Celestia officially (the Shimmerverse), or just got accepted as her student (the Sunsetverse, etc) [although one particular version has her adopted by Twilight's family]. So yeah, lots of interesting possibilities for sure (especially if she has siblings). Now just got to find a balance between making 'Keeperverse' Sunset slightly different from 'Canon-verse' (or any other verse) Sunset, but not too much.

Lol, I'm afraid so. about a composite bow?
Well, basically everything about Everfree Forest, since ponies generally don't want to go in there and not much is known about it exactly (think of it as the Congo of Equestria). Plus, you might be involved (as a side job) with keeping monsters from straying into Ponyville, and/or stupid ponies (I think we know whom) from wandering in there alone. Also, I have not yet decided this but, the castle "ruins" might actually be occupied by Scorpan (and to an extent, his student Twilight Sparkle). I'll keep you posted on that.
Btw, do you have any friends, mates, relatives (cousins or siblings) that you would like to add (and save me the trouble of making OCs of my own, lol)? You can have a total of 2 or 3. And when would you rather like to make an appearance?
A) Sometime during the pilot story ( the first half starts off 8 days before NMM returns).
B) A separate sequel along the lines of 'Bridle Gossip'.

Group Admin

4230905 Are composite bows the same as compound bows? (If not then I probably get the two mixed up a lot...)

Could you please stop using me to talk to them?
Not yet Chaser

I have yet to "nail down" StarRunner's mate, (keeps changing depending on the... daydream?) but Runner has a male biased personality.

Alright Chaser, you can have your text back.

Yeah... It get's confusing when looking back at some of them... Um... probably a "guard" for the research group. While I do like knowing how things work, I prefer to let the gathering and decoding of the info be done by others, then just read the report they have later (A bit like Midnight in that regard... and in the base coloration).
Just thought of something. The Chakats would probably have introduced the compound/composite bow (the one with the pulleys on the ends) to Equestria, even if they didn't bring one with them, at least one of the first Chakats there would be able to "reinvent the wheel" as it where...

Group Admin

4230905 I was driving home from campus today when I had an idea concerning StarRunner
You're using my voice again...

StarDust. The name of hir mate could be StarDust. And since they both have a good sense of humor, they plan on, if (read when) they have kids, to also name them something to do with star, just to confuse people!

I approve of this.

Now that StarDust has a name, in the mini-stories in this crazy head of his-
Shi's usually the engineer while I'm the pilot/gunner. Shi's about average height while I'm a bit below average. Not the best at social interaction, but definitely not the worst.
We both have about average E rating (Base E rating around E4.1), shi's a telepath (Base about T2.5, can use with E to achieve results similar to a T3) and I have TK (Base about K1, being really pissed bumps it up to K1.5 as I care less about the object being manipulated, helps with aiming things.)

A compound bow (the one you're thinking of) is the kind made with pulleys and stuff. A composite bow is a more 'traditional' bow made out of various material (wood, horn, and sinew laminated together). It was the type of bow famously used by nomadic mounted warriors like the Mongols, Huns and Turks.
Of course, if you think the compound could be one of things the Chakats introduced/re-invented in Equestria (especially by this time), and if you prefer that type, then I'll consider it.

Lol. What's next, StarBurst? MorningStar (actually that's a pretty good one)?
But interesting info.
Do you think you would like to appear in the pilot story, or one of its future sequels?

Also, I originally had considered Cadence to be the pony adopted/raised by Chakats (possibly becoming an Equestrian ambassador for the Chakatian island(s) before being a [non-alicorn] princess). It certainly would explain a lot of things about her. And the wedding/honeymoon would be 'interesting' if she were to put to practice certain Chakat social customs, lol. :trollestia:
Unless you prefer Sunset to be the adopted pony still.

Group Admin

4233484 Maybe the compound bows would be really hard to make without machinery so there are VERY few of them. Like only the highest ranking military archers and collectors would be able to afford them... so composite bows would probably be more common.

If we where to be a part of the research group, I would probably be a "guard" for them (because it's the Everfree) and StarDust would probably be one of the researchers. If you don't think we would be able to be in the pilot story, then a future sequel would be fine.

Unless YOU would rather be the one controlled, yes.

Non-alicorn princess? I doubt she would be able to do the whole "keep Sombra out" thing if she wasn't an alicorn... But her being raised by Chakats would explain the whole "princess of love" thing... I almost feel sorry for Shining... :trollestia:

Yeah. Plus, (with the exception of maybe crossbows and/or unicorn magic for aid) bows are probably one of the few weapons ponies can't properly wield to their full advantage (we've seen how they hold and draw them in 'Daring Don't' and 'The Equestria Games'). The only creatures I think that would and could use them are griffons, chakats, and maybe the odd minotaur (archery doesn't seem like their specialty to me). Being skilled archers definitely would be another example of chakats filling the 'centaur-niche' in this world, don't you think?

Okay, thanks for telling me what roles you'd prefer. And I have ideas for either scenario, so that's why I asked which you'd prefer to make your first debut. Also, you didn't give an actual description on hir appearance.

....StarDust, I presume?

Well if you prefer her as an alicorn.
Lol. Yeah I know. And maybe poor Twily.:twilightoops::rainbowwild:

Group Admin

4233634 (I'm not going to do the assuming control thing here...)
The few minotaurs that would use bows would probably have some REALLY powerful bows, the kind that could not be pulled back by practically any other species. I'm talking about something like a STEEL LONGBOW. Try pulling back something like THAT!

The reason why there was no description on StarDust's appearance is because shi has yet to be really that fleshed out in my mind... still have yet to settle on a specific color scheme...

If you don't like her being an alicorn then maybe have her an exceptionally powerful unicorn that Celestia didn't notice until it was too late to make Cadence her student?

Well, military archers specifically would be less likely due to how most Chakat's view on life is... But foresters/rangers? Yes.

Lol. Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

Hmm....well, hopefully you can flesh hir out in time.

Hmmm, meh. I was trying to be creative/ think outside the box. There's already two A/U fics I know that have her as a unicorn (I was going for pegasus). Maybe I'll just make it easy on myself and keep her as an alicorn. But one who has spent most of her (early) life in the Charkatian Islands, and has strong connections to it (as an ambassador of Equestria and maybe other things). That would definitely draw the attention of Queen Chrysalis. A smaller nation/commonwealth inhabited by 'passive' creatures with their own unique and powerful cocktail of love...Changeling Paradise! Lol.
But yeah, Chakat-adopted Cadence seems to hold more potential for character development (and comedic spice) than Chakat-adopted Sunset.

Yes, I'm well aware of that.

Group Admin

4233738 (The real me talking through the different "personas" I guess you could call them)

Depends on your interpretation of Changelings... Is there more than one hive? Is the active draining their only way to get love? Or can they passively obtain it if the emotion is strong enough and directed at them? (A Novel Tale first introduced me to that idea)

If they can passively get emotional sustenance then Chakats would be a wonderful source for them! Just so long as they don't try to replace anyone they know, the Chakats will know something's wrong when their friends start feeling... different.

Maybe they find the crystal heart (not powered up or a "backup") and are using that to fend off Sombra while others are trying to find out how to re-activate it to it's full power or find the original.

(lol, okay)

StarRunner- who are you referring to?

Yeah, I was kinda thinking those same questions/thoughts too (having read the 'Honey Pie' series and others).
More importantly, I think it will also depend on how I portray Queen Chrysalis. Cause right now I just keep imagining her big 'revealing scene' like something made by HISHE (How It Should Have Ended) or Team Four Star.

Queen Chrysalis: "I've been searching all over to find a place with enough love for my hive to feed on, and the Chakatian Islands are just full of love. So give them to me now, or I will unleash my Changeling army upon Canterlot. Mwhahahaha!"

Chakat Prime Minister: "You could have just asked."

Queen Chrysalis: "What?"

Chakat PM: "If your hive requires love to feed on, we Chakats would have been glad to help."

QC: "Oh..well, you see, I was originally going to take over Equestria, but realized it was way too protected."
*Briefly view Celestia pigging on the wedding cake*


Cadence: "You may control the love of one pony, but I can call upon the love of every pony and Chakat that I'm connected to."

Pinkie: "Wait is that-? She's Using The CRYSTAL HEART!!!"

QC: "The crystal what?"

Cadence: "Oh buck."

Pinkie: "The Crystal Heart Is The Only Thing That Can Absorb Enough Love For Cadence To Stop The Changelings!"

Scorpan: "Will you shut up?!"

Pinkie: "Too Scared!"

Scorpan: "Damn It!"

Group Admin

4234350 I was referring to the crystal empire episode. The one where they had to use the crystal heart. Only know it from what various fics use in common...

Why not a mix of both? After the Canterlot invasion failed, she goes to the Chakatian Islands only to find another hive already out in the open and getting free love.

I knew that, but I meant "they" who?

Hmmm, maybe. I'll still have to think about it.

Group Admin

4235127 I assume Cadence and Shining cause as far as I know, they where the only two at the Crystal Kingdom to hold back Sombra from re-taking over (canonically). (They must have been in the area when it re-appeared...) So... Cadence, Shining, maybe a few body-guards (Cause you know, captain/post-captain of the guard), probably a Chakat or two...

When the main cast shows up, then they look for how to re-empower it/the real one.

Ummm, barely (it's the Crystal Empire btw).
[Also, they weren't in the area when it re-appeared. They just got there first because they didn't need to listen to Princess Exposition and then sing an entire aria]
It was thanks to the help of the Mane 6, and more importantly Spike (yes, you heard right), that the Crystal Heart was found, and the hearts/memories of the crystal ponies were lightened enough to power it.
That's how it went canonically anyhow.
But nice ideas though.

Group Admin

4237178 That's what I meant...

Then... what was keeping out Sombra all that time? Was he just like: "I'm to lazy to go and assume control over the Crystal Empire right now... my show's on."
Cause as far as I know, they where actively keeping him out.

Yes, but like I said, just barely.
Cadance and Shinning were the only ones able to cast the force field/shield spell protecting the Crystal Empire. However, when Sombra infected Shinning's horn with dark crystal/magic (when Shining came out to greet/guide the Mane 6), that meant Cadence had to constantly generate the spell on her. To the point of sheer exhaustion/fatigue, since she was unable to stop and rest. That made finding the Crystal Heart and lifting the spirits of the Crystal Ponies (through a special festival/carnival) all the more urgent.
Honestly, it's been a while since I've watched that episode, but yeah that's what happened.

Group Admin

4239812 If Cadence didn't become an alicorn, then just Shining making the barrier (We know he could do that, he did it for DAYS preceding the wedding (as far as I know)) while Cadence searches for the crystal heart or something like that.

Well..maybe, but then that kinda would make the need to have the Mane 6 there almost unnecessary, other than help with the Crystal Fair (or as you suggested, after Sombra's defeat). I don't know, I might have to think about that more.
Anyway, let's focus a little bit more on the actual subject of this thread, shall we?

Group Admin

4240672 We got a bit sidetracked, didn't we?

Lol, indeed, but that's okay.:rainbowlaugh::derpytongue2:

Sooooo... What kind of Pony-Chakat ship(s) would you wanna see? Lol.
Also, are Chakats alright with being in law enforcement (just checking)?

Group Admin

4240787 Um... none in particular... (don't take that as meaning no ship(s), just that I can't think of any specific ones). So long as they're not forced ships...

I see no problem with them being in law enforcement. Do you Runner?
We may be a bit pacifistic, but for me at least, that's just against unnecessary violence. Sometimes to keep the peace, you need to crack it.

Lol. Well it's not like there are any at this particular moment anyhow.

Good to know.
Btw Runner, would you consider Dusty and yourself to be Den-mates or Life-mates?

Group Admin

4241273 At this point in time, Den-mates. At this current round of over-imagination, we're not the focus, Ember was the last main one... Who knows when we'll be up again. If we're going to be in a story kind of "moment"? Den-mates, starting to think about becoming Life-mates.

*Blinks a few times while fighting back a headache*
Dude, you have your own text. Use it. And Runner? TMI.

But no-one can read my text...

*Squints* I can

WOH! Ember, when did you get back?

Just now.

Okay then.

CloudKicker: "Hopefully that 'moment' involves me.":ajsmug:

Lyra: "I just heard they've got hands! Can Bonnie and me join too?":rainbowwild:

Bon-bon: "Lyraaa!":raritydespair:

Group Admin

4241349 Hands? You want to see hands? Do claws count? *Raises "hands" (hands with semi-retractable claws)*
*Raises hands and one of hir fore-paws*
*Raises hands*
*Jazz hands*:pinkiehappy:
*Looks down at his claws* *looks back up* Do these count?

*Looks at the madness* I am so sorry for their behavior, but we get this way when it's late and WE SHOULD BE SLEEPING!!! DAMN IT YOU GUYS, IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT!!!

It's already past midnight where I am. Lol.

Cloudkicker: "So my place or yours?"
Niko: "If you're bringing them here, I'm staying over at the library, again."
Ryn: "You can stay with me Niko, I'm sure Coco and AJ won't mind!"
Niko: "Ahhhhhhhh!" *Runs away from Ryn*
Vinyl: "Hey! Who started the party without telling me?"
Coco: "Um, shouldn't we make a PM thread, or something?"
Maud: "Boulder's getting tired...."*blink*
Ditzy: "Who wants muffins before bed?"
Dinky: "Me! Me! Me!"
Nadia: "I'll have one too."
Sunset: "How did we all end up here anyway?"
Devin: "Ask Rocky."
Rocky: "FISHIEEEE!!!"
Honeytongue: "Bye Neow."

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