Bronies for Life 187 members · 1,154 stories
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OK I'm in panic mode here!
I just got invited via email to a brony meetup for the season 5 premiere. Awesome right? Well my family still doesn't know I'm a pegasister and they won't let me just go off somewhere without knowing where I'm going. I can't lie to them and if I tell a half-truth, they'll get suspicious. I've got to tell them before April 5! How in the world can I do that and still get permission to go?!
PLEASE try to give me advice, I'm really stuck here!

Two things: number one, April is one month away! Number two, why can't you just tell them in that in time before April 5th and calm down. I excited! Tell me how it goes, OK?:ajsmug:

4142070 I guess I could do that, it's just I had a hard enough time telling my Mom how much I loved Disney.
I guess I can post about it here. Praying it goes well.

... MLP is Hasbro:applejackunsure:

4142084 I bet your mom didn't react badly to hearing your like of Disney. Why do you assume she would react badly to you liking MLP?

4142315 For reasons we've talked about on my other thread.
Besides, that's a heavy thing to lay on her first thing in the morning. But I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna tell her!

4142745 I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Tell us how it went.

4142088 I did it! I told her! And it was so amazing!
I didn't tell her everything, but I told her I watch My Little Pony and that I'd kept it secret because I was ashamed to admit I liked yet another little kids' story. She hugged me and told me I never need to be afraid to tell her something like that. I ended up crying a little because I was so relieved and happy!
So to all of you who encouraged me to do it, thank you. I owe you one. :twilightsmile:

Your welcome! :pinkiehappy: Tell me how it goes.

Group Admin

4142019 Don't sweat it. Either your family will support you liking ponies or they will support you being happy. Either way, you know your family supports you and wants you to do what you love. :heart:

4144364 I told her! Did you read my earlier post? I was SO HAPPY with how it turned out!

Group Admin

4144793 Nope. :pinkiehappy:...:pinkiesmile:...:fluttershysad:...:fluttershyouch:...:fluttershbad:...:raritydespair:...:raritycry: I'M SORRY!

4144817 It's okay! :scootangel: I'm just very happy my mom seems to accept the fact that I'm a pegasister.

Group Admin

4144830 Yeah. I've told my family, but not my friends. I'm not exactly popular and gossip spreads easily (especially around my school.) Just this year, someone saw the tag of my bra when we were in the locker room and by the end of the day the entire school knew what size bra I wore. My friends don't get what it's like to have an obsession, unless it's a guy (or girl.) The are to concerned about the way their hair looks or if their is a wrinkle in the seam of their pants. I have two closer friends that I have told and they have sworn on their lives not to tell anyone and one of them is a fellow pegasister. The other also has an obsession aimed for smaller children so they understand what it's like and they are also an author and helps me with some of my stories. My other friends, Well, would honestly reject me if I told them. They only really want to be the.most fashionable and I know what you are going to say, "If they are your true friends they will understand." Except, they have already proven their friendship before, but just can't keep secrets or accept difference by nature, mainly because of the kind of environment they grew up in. I really don't know what to do, and I don't really want to tell them because it may ruin my image. Some of them can't even drop when I accidentally spilled paint on them in first grade. Seriously, I have no idea how I can break it to them gently. People are always looking over my shoulder when I am on FimFiction and they are bound to find out if I'm not carefully, so what do I do?

4144899 Gotcha. Gossip is hard. My advice for now is: "conceal, don't feel". If you're truly that concerned about your friends' reactions and possibly losing friends, then they don't have to know. Something like an entertainment preference is not as important and life-changing as something like getting married or moving. I'm not saying it should stay a secret forever, but you should at least not feel obligated to tell them if you think they'll reject you for it or mock you.
Long story short, don't be afraid to tell if you know they have earned the privilege of hearing your deepest secrets. Otherwise, keep on as a closet pegasister for now and hope you can tell them someday.

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