Bronies for Life 187 members · 1,154 stories
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I created an anthem for brings and pegasisters everywhare hope u injoy leave comments and opinions down below

Brony anthom

O say can you see by the screen's dearly light,
What so proudly we hailed at twilight's first gleaming
Whose broad stripes and bright main through the perilous flights
O'er the episodes we watched, were so gallantly screeming
And vinal scraches red glare, the wings pumping in air,
Gave proof through the night that our tag was still there;
O say does that rainbow striped main yet wave,
O'er the land of the pinky and the home of the brony!

Its a parody leagoly I can
Its weard

God always
I always forget

Just a comment, it is not "Main" it is "Mane"

The main water line broke.
The Horse had brown mane.

Also scratch's not scraches.

That is all.

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