Stories about Adoption 506 members · 386 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Group Admin

Someone sent me a PM about opening a new folder about child abuse, correctly arguing that it is very much relevant to the group, as orphanages and the Foster Care System don't only work to care for orphans, but also children who have been removed from abusive and/or dangerous households.
So, I believe the question at hand is the following: New folder, or rename the "Orphans" folder to "Orphans and children at risk"?

EDIT: Something relevant to consider here is that, if we make a new folder, we'll be able to better separate the two subjects, and will also be able to better add stories about parents who have their children removed from them. I think I remember at least one story about Berry Shine fighting off her alcoholism to keep Social Services from removing her foal.

3884838 They're certainly prevalent in this fandom.

Group Admin

Yeah, I would personally have "At-Risk" as a separate folder.

Honestly I am weary about the folder, I got pretty turned off from all the Scootabuse fics that make orphanages into Dickensian nightmares... but yes having something about CPS might be a good idea

Group Admin

Historically, orphanages were seen as sources of free and/or disposable labour, ranging from domestic servitude to high risk jobs like factory smokestack cleaning and (chemical) leather tanning.
And then there's that, in some Third World countries nowadays, orphanages are nearly nonexistent because orphans get sold almost as fast as they enter.

In Victorian England, but this is Equestria

Group Admin

I specifically mentioned tanning because the usage of sulphuric acid on parchment manufacture was invented in the middle ages in Europe, but as handling was't particularly safe...
The Middle Ages! We can never forget that, prior to the 'watered' process, gunpowder manufacture was very much a foundling job: giving people a mortar loaded with coal, sulphur and guano and telling them to go sit cross-legged in the middle of the room and to grind slowly for the next four to eight hours. Not surprising that the job often 'fired' beggars with no hands.

But there's hoping that Equestria is a much more Illustrated society. And that orphanages are well funded.

And I mention the Victorian era because of Dickens. But yes Equestira isn't either one of them, no matter what the fandom wants to think, and the orphanages and children homes would be well funded and well looked after.

Group Admin

3884838 3885005 3885952 3886808
Okay. 25 hours. Four votes for "New folder" versus none against.
Motion passes.

Now, for what to name the folder.
I want to name it "Call Child Services!"
Anybody proposes a different name?

Group Admin

I don't think there's anything more to say here. I'm closing this thread.
Anything, be welcome to send me a PM.

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