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Meridian Prime
Group Admin

Forgive me if my recommendations are shorter than usual - it's been a long week.

Fallen Foes by The Cyan Recluse
A short, but interesting take on Ahuizotl and Daring's backstory. Not much else to say about it (at least with out giving things away) but it is rather good.

Coming Home by The Cyan Recluse
One of the few stories that makes the (in my mind rather obvious) link between the Crystal Empire and the Changelings - and does it rather impressively. The backstory and world building conjured up in this tale are excellent, and although some may find the coloured text annoying, to me it fit with the story well. Worth a read if you find world-building and mythology in the FiM universe interesting (I know I do).

The End of the Day by Carabas
Speaking of world-building: here's a master of it. If you haven't been following the world and mythology Carabas has been crafting over the course of several blogs and stories, I highly recommend that you start. But that aside, you don't need to be familiar with their other work to appreciate this. We get a glimpse both of the Sisters during their struggle against Discord (pre-Ascension), and just what everyday life was like during his reign. It's very well written, and I liked the characters and just go read it.

To Try For The Sun by Rune Soldier Dan
I could wax lyrical about how good this story is and how awesome an author Rune Soldier Dan is, but if you've been following my recs you probably know the latter, and my fellow YMLTer Minds Eye has written something far better than I can manage at the moment over here. So go read that, and go read the story.

Chocolate Milk by Monochromatic
Welp, this settles it: Monochromatic is one of my three favourite active shipping authors, hands down - and if you've ever looked at just how many people I follow, that is saying a lot. Seriously, she writes some of the best shipping I've ever read, and this one is the ever elusive RariDash no less! <3
Go read for adorable Dash times.

Friendship Theory by Noble Thought
If you like the characters of Trixie or Moondancer at all, please go read this. It has some of the best development I've seen for either of them, and the way they play off of each other? Wow. This feels like the show when it's at its very best. Go read it.

The Truth Hurts by Metool Bard
Maybe I've been looking in the wrong places, but I've found very little of it.
Anyway, Metool Bard is a fantastic and underrated author, and I couldn't be more pleased that this and other recent works seem to have had more attention. This in particular is one of his strongest yet, taking a newer character from the show, and utilising him perfectly as a foil for Dust. Seriously, I kind of wish the show had done this, because it works so perfectly. Go read!


I could wax lyrical about how good this story is and how awesome an author Rune Soldier Dan is,

Like any artist, I live with the acute awareness of how much I suck. So seeing somebody who is not related to me say this is a day-maker. Cheers.

Meridian Prime
Group Admin

Yule In A Donut Shop was quite literally the first story I recommended in this group, and Dashwhinny: The Musical remains one of my favourite shipping fics ever (I think because, not in spite of, how silly it is).

And now that slightly less out of it, I can say that To Try For The Sun is pretty much the best "Alicorn Sisters Origins" fic I've read, and I read a lot of them.

So just in case I didn't say it loud enough the first time round - you are pretty much at the opposite end of the spectrum from sucking and I think your writing is awesome. :pinkiehappy:

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