Comments ( 2 )
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What do you think ?

How do you think it works in Equestria ?

Nominative determinism is the hypothesis that people tend to gravitate towards areas of work that fit their names. ... "Aptronym" merely means the name is fitting, without saying anything about why it has come to fit.

... the Mother can see a bit of the future, and know what there Child is going to be like.

You could have given a more succint definition of amilesse than a 23 minute Youtube video, ain't nobody got time for that. (And I knew what Nominative Determinism was already, but WTF is with that link?)

I think some names are deterministic/prophetic, and some are not.

I have a personal head-canon (and the outline of a story I swear I'll write somebody) that there are ponies with something like Pinkie's Pinkie Sense, but for pony names, the Namers, that traditional pony parents will consult to name their children. But not all ponies do this, as witnessed by the fact that not all names are perfect matches for what a pony does later in life.

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