School For New Reviewers 183 members · 0 stories
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2/2/2015: Practice Thread #1 is now closed.
Approved by Seventh Pony.

Hello all,

This thread is to gauge interest for a practice activity. Before we kick it off, I'd like to have a show of hands from whoever's interested (and that includes you lot - yes, you, the silent majority! :yay:)

The idea

A random author will be asked if they're willing to have their work reviewed/edited by a group of people. I will make it quite clear that quite a few will be new to the whole shindig.

Once they say yes, I'll start off a new thread containing the link and description, as well as some friendly reminders to guide you.

Post your reviews both on the story page and the thread. Keep all peer discussion limited to the thread.

This not only gives you the chance to try your hand out without worry about backlash from the author, but also lets you see how other, more experienced characters such as Burraku_Pansa and Chris (depending on who shows up) handle the same story.

The registration

...will be open until Saturday. I need this number just so that the author can mentally prepare him/herself. Preferably, the more the merrier - the true master is an eternal student, after all.

You will have a limited time to get your reviews out: I'm thinking one week from the time the thread is started. If all goes as planned, the time period will be Sunday 25th Jan to Sunday 1 Feb. That is, if you think you can get some reading and some comment-writing done before January ends, you're good!

Questions and discussions about the idea itself go here, too.

Comment posted by Dr Yeis deleted Jan 22nd, 2015

Is the author chosen at random?

Group Contributor

I have a thumb in a few pies, and I have an eye on some plums riper than most, let's put it that way. There's a higher probability of someone from Authors Helping Authors or EqD Rejects who has presence in the forums, and has shown that they sincerely want concrit.

3996896 Ok thanks for the info


I have an eye on some plums riper than most

Oy >:(

3996771 if these are kind and constructive reviews, this could be very interesting.

So long as both sides choose to be there.
If all the reviewers try to be constructive, as opposed to mean and hateful, why should the writers of the submitted stories have a reason to be mean in return? If someone still does act out, they just are disqualified from further fun here?

some of us would merely be happy to have a nice chance to hear the opinions, as opposed to a blanc neigh.

Group Contributor

u knw u like it bby ;^)

Sweet. The one I'm looking at is 6.5k words long. It also doesn't seem to be grammatically impaired, at first glance, so this could be interesting.

Precisely. One of the side benefits of this exercise is that a wide range of tones can fit "constructive but not mean/spiteful". It's a subject of debate, honestly. Having a few people show what they sound like - I, for one, veer on the blunter side - can help develop a sense of where the line's at.

Suppose someone wanted to offer up their story to be reviewed. How would one go about doing it?

3996997 If the definition was posted on the form, you could avoid much problem up ahead.

I think we have several groups that tries to do what your suggested exersice was all about.

They do have very different names, partially due to putting up different focus.

In your case, plainly express what works and why, then what doesn't and why.
Avoiding colourful words and name-calling as well.

maybe offer categories for the review offer?

The constructive part is all about pointing out what (doesn't) work and if possible, explain why.
Sugar coating is merely distraction on the way towards perfecting the submitted story.

3997034 hat's an interesting question.

I would prefer if people didn't recommend their stories, or perhaps any story. I'd much rather trust the people who have a good reputation, are already experienced reviewers, and have a wide, respectable range of taste. People such as Casca, Chris, and Burraku_Pansa.

I see the benefit of doing as this as being to remove potential bias of any given story from the inexperienced reviewer who would be recommending it. Furthermore, those looking to learn how to review (the sole purpose of this group) shouldn't be recommending their own stories to begin with. And people who aren't interested in reviewing likely shouldn't be in this group at all, because the first impression I'd get is that they're just vying for attention. The stories aren't the attention of the group, but the reviews themselves. It shouldn't really matter which story is chosen for practice, anyways.

I'm in for something under 20k. I can't let just the PCaRG suffer from my sense of humor.

Group Contributor


Suppose someone wanted to offer up their story to be reviewed

I'm inclined to think no. Off the top of my head, the problem would be that the group, eventually, becomes just another place where authors swarm to dump fics for review.

This is an interesting question, though, and more discussion (pinging Seventh Pony?) is welcome.


or perhaps any story

I agree more strongly about this. " gaiz unleash da houndz" is not a good culture. Too easy to abuse, too difficult to moderate, rip in peps TWE.


Willing to, so long as the fic isn't terribly long. (30k words, max.)

Group Contributor


The one I'm looking at is 6.5k words long.

If it does wind up being somewhere in that range, I'll try and get one in, depending how light/heavy TMDG2 judging winds up being.

General clarification: Is there a place in this event for the folks who are in this group to try their hands at reader-aimed reviews (I've got to assume some folks are, anyway), or is it author-aimed reviews only?

Group Contributor

This one's author-aimed, but I don't think there's a problem if the next one is reader-aimed. Depends on what Seventh wants in the group.

Sure, I'll register.

Sure, as long as the fic isn't too long.

Group Admin


This one's author-aimed, but I don't think there's a problem if the next one is reader-aimed.

It wouldn't make much sense to only allow one way. They're both valid styles.

Perhaps it would be better to tell the reviewer to review the story anyway they want it, and then later ask what the aim of the review was.

3996771 I'd like to give this a shot. Question: If we prefer to review a certain kind of story or a certain length of story, can we opt out of any reviews?

Group Contributor


after we've distributed our reviews, to make meta-commentary on them and discuss the strengths and weakness of all the different forms

This idea is pretty neat, actually. I like it.

Yep - you're not being bound by a blood price or your reputation or anything like that, heh.

Seriously though, don't fret about it, just join if you'd like. Same goes for if someone doesn't register here but wants to do it anyways.


so long as the fic is terribly long

I'm going to assume that's a typo =x welcome aboard!

I love this idea! It gives the writer a place to have a review without worry about too much bashing and some helpful critiwue. While at the same time, it allows the reviewers to practice being abe to look at a story obectivly and be able to point out its flaws without being mean. It also lets the reviewer see i hes better at writing or reviewing

Group Contributor

Hello all:

The thread is up. You've got one week to read and get your reviews in!

In before deadline.

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