Tag-a-long's Book Club 512 members · 1,126 stories
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Group Admin

While we've got the Meet the Troops thread for the staff, I thought I'd post a more general introduction thread for everyone.

For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm arcum42, and I founded this group as my next project after Twilight's Library. Besides reading and writing fanfiction (such as Cubic Zirconia), I like playing both computer rpgs and pen and paper rpgs, and have been known to do some programming on occasion, not to mention reading massive amounts of fantasy and science fiction. I'll be turning 37 in a few months.

feel free to post as much or as little about yourself here as you want, or you can always lurk. :scootangel:


Group Admin

I'm Winter_Solstice, and I love reading good stories and helping out authors with reviews of their work.

I found this site back in June of last year, and it was love at first sight (pun intended). I do miss the Library, but I can't wait for this new Group to take off and shine.

What are we waiting for? Let's get to work! :pinkiehappy:

— W_S

Group Admin


No issues with starting now, though I'm not promoting the group until tomorrow night or so. Just grab your pick of ribbon, and add it to all relevant threads, including yours, unless it's your own story, in which case it just goes in your folder. I'll have to make sure that's written somewhere.

It'd be nice for this group to already have some activity when people start to arrive...


I am sixkiller5, I like reading fanfics and helping people out.

I have been a member of this site since december 2013 I read about 30 fics a month.
I try to help people with their fics by proofreading.

I hope we can get this group up and running but mostly i hope people keep having fun while being here!

Foals Errand
Group Contributor

I'm Foals Errand and I just read and reviewed over 100 fics this month. I'm not insane I swear
I've been here since Nov 2013 that's also how long i've been a pegasister.
I preread and write a lot.

I live by the motto for every two things you write read eight.

I'm TOW, or ThatOneWriter. I go by both. I read a lot, write a decent amount, and publish almost nothing.

I've been around since July 2013, so I'm usually the middle of the pack in terms of Fimfic age, just like with real age! I'm a 20-going-on-21 year old college student very slowly working toward an accounting degree.

When I'm not on here, I'm usually talking to other Fimfic authors on Skype. I also spend quite a bit of time playing video games. Since getting Steam, I've wasted nearly five days of my life on Fallout: New Vegas alone! I have no idea how much I've spent on Minecraft, but that's also a lot.

What up, book club friends?

I'm Timaeus or Tim for short, and I'm pretty intrigued to see where this group is going to go over the coming weeks. I do the occasional bit of writing every now and then, but I spend most of my time on fimfiction reading. I read mostly romance, but I can probably be convinced into trying just about anything.

I'm 21 years old as I write this little introduction, and am in my fourth year of undergraduate university working towards a degree in anthropology and history. I probably have another year or so more to go, but I'm happy to avoid venturing out into the real world for as long as possible. I enjoy getting to meet new people through fimfic, and a lot of my spare time is spent chatting with other writers from all over the website (many of whom I'm happy to call my friends).

Group Contributor

I'm Striker. I'm 36 years old, with an associate's in culinary arts. I live in New Hampshire. I read a wide variety of genres. Ah... sorry. Never been good at this kinda of stuff. :twilightsheepish: How goes it, all?

Really liking this new, cute themed group.

I'm Littlecolt, 35 years old in a couple weeks. Been writing fanfic since I was 15. I work for a phone company as management for their fraud division. In my free time, other than writing, I like to read, draw, sometimes play the vidya, and hang out with my friends online. I'm an admin at a MLP video site called BerryTube.

Oh yes, and I drink... a lot. In fact, I made a drunk post in the self-promotion thread last night. Let's not talk about that. :pinkiehappy:

Anyway, I am a pretty friendly guy and like to chit chat, so hey, I am all about getting to know people around here. Hi!


Culinary Arts? That's one of my big interests as well, though I never went to school for it. Kind of chickened out while another friend of mine ran off to go to CIA. Very interesting stuff!

Hello. I'm Manaphy, and I like to read stories and interact with other people on here. I'm excited to see where this group goes, as I'm always willing to read a good story whenever I have the time, and it looks like this group already has a number of excellent stories in its folders. I do love reading about fantastic settings and interesting tales, whether they are from fiction or from history. I also like learning about a variety of subjects, so there is that as well. As for writing, I do write, though I'm rather poor at it. While I do hope to write something good one day, I do have a long way to go before even reaching such a milestone.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all. And for those who know me, it's nice to see you again. :twilightsmile:

Meh, might as well introduce myself a little bit. I'm mostly going to be lurking though *shrug*

Anyway, name is Whammy. My involvement in the fandom is primarily in the form of doing analysis, often with a very, very heavy philosophical slant. Links to my articles should be on my profile somewhere or I'll be glad to give them. I also run a roleplay forum called "The Fun Has Been Doubled" that's now on...year three I think? Still going strong, and it's a good source of ideas. My current story, "In Somepony's Shadow" was inspired in part by a plot line that's going down on the site and my playing of Trixie.

Outside of the fandom I'm a graduate student going for a Ph.D. in political science with an emphasis on political psychology and methodology. It's surprising I have time to do any kind of fandom involvement at all really...

Hi, I'm keulan742. I joined the fandom in January 2012, though I didn't find this site until much later. I mostly read stories and occasionally interact with people in the various groups I keep joining. Sometimes I think of ideas for stories, but I tend to procrastinate and so far I've only turned one of those ideas into something resembling a decent story. In this group I'll mostly just lurk and read stuff I guess. :applejackunsure:

Outside of pony-related stuff, I'm a huge geek with many interests, including video games, science fiction and fantasy books, tv shows, and movies, and nonfiction like science and history. I'm 26, I have a bachelor's degree in history, and I'd love to work in a museum or library someday. :twistnerd:

Well I shouldn't be standing here like chopped liver, time to introduce myself.

The name is ChaoticLightning, a person who enjoys reading and writing stories that help entertain others and is very interested in history. I might be a writer who writes a lot of stories but I'm still learning a lot from this site, and I'm glad I met a lot of people who I'd call my friends.

I hope to see you guys around!

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