Tag-a-long's Book Club 512 members · 1,126 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Group Admin

I just thought I'd remind everyone that whether you are a story scout or librarian, when adding stories, unless it's your own story, add them to both your own folder, and all the genre folders. If it's your story, just add it to your own folder.

Also, make sure to post one of the ribbons in the comments, and feel free to add something about why you liked it, or even a link to the group is you want.

I'm tending to use this ribbon:


Just saw several fanfics not get put in the genre folders, so I wanted to make sure everyone remembers. Let me or another admin know if you can't add stories to any of the folders...


Speaking of adding stories, is there any chance that you could get the Story Scouts to say a few words about the stories they add to the group? Stories picked up from the self-promotion or recommendation thread wouldn't need any further explanation, but for the ones added out of the blue, a short review would be helpful.

Why was this story added to the group?
Name two things you like about the story:
Is there anything else you'd like to say about the story?

Group Admin


It's not something I'm requiring of them, but any story scouts or librarians that want to talk about something they've added can do so in the book corner, and a few stories have already been mentioned there.

Requiring people to write something up every time they add a story discourages them from adding stories, though, and that's not something I particularly want to do. There's also a potential for them to end up getting drawn into debates about whether a story should have been added, and that's something I'd really like to avoid.


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