Tag-a-long's Book Club 512 members · 1,126 stories
Comments ( 33 )
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Here's the list! Got a whole bunch of neat stuff here, from changelings, to boxing, to an airship murder mystery, to... a One Piece crossover? I probably should have vetted that more closely. ^^ Anyway, these are your assignments. Let me know if there are any problems. Otherwise, have fun reading, and I look forward to seeing your reviews! Don't forget:

- tag your review with #FebFIMFanFicLove (well, you don't have to, but it's totally a thing you can do)
- post a link to your review back here
- let the author know you reviewed their fic

Note that authors aren't obligated to agree with or like your review, or even respond to it. We can't control that. But still, have fun writing it. :)

Thanks to all of you for taking part!

The #FebFIMFanFicLove Readers

Allen Vth is reviewing Rain by Kanzlerin Maud (chosen by Manaphy)

bathroomstahl is reviewing Tainted Reflection by Imperaxum (chosen by billymorph)

billymorph is reviewing Unexpected Turbulence, Remain Calm and Don't Murder Anypony by HazardPony (chosen by MrAskAPirate)

Foals Errand is reviewing The Golden Daughter by Liam Neighson (chosen by Sixkiller5)

hawthornbunny is reviewing My Little Pirates: Doctor's Orders by Fullmetal Pony (chosen by Allen Vth)

Loganberry is reviewing Sun, Moon and Stars by FifthAlicorn (chosen by Foals Errand)

Manaphy is reviewing The New Crop by xjuggernaughtx (chosen by Superluminous)

MrAskAPirate is reviewing The Cold Heart of the Moon by HallyConn (chosen by Unbridled Dolly)

Sixkiller5 is reviewing Twilight's Library by ocalhoun (chosen by bathroomstahl)

Superluminous is reviewing Fluttershy's Garden by SilentWanderer (chosen by hawthornbunny)

Unbridled Dolly is reviewing Silence by Eskerata (chosen by Loganberry)

4046272 The premise of the story I'll be looking at does sound interesting, so I'll definitely make sure to read it as soon as I can. :twilightsmile:

I swapped my assignment with Sixkiller5 because his was a crossover with something he hasn't seen. (I haven't either for that matter, but I'll still read it). Crossovers are a fuzzy area; I personally believe that it is possible to write a crossover well enough that even people unfamiliar with the source material can enjoy it, so I'm reluctant to disallow them. Still, if I do this again, I might impose tighter rules for crossovers.

Crud, i missed sogn ups for this. :(


Got a Fluttershy story.
Haven't even looked at the premise yet, but they did spell Fluttershy correctly, so there is that.


4046372 - sorry! I didn't want to delay starting it too long. :) Thanks for your interest, though! Hopefully if this is successful, I'll run it again.

4046387 - It's a rather atypical story, but one that I know the author put a lot of effort into. I know this because he or she wrote a series of blogs on the making of the fic. :)

I'll get to reading it tomorrow, when I have more time. I need to finish a review I'm doing at the moment.

Sounds cool, though.

4046272 Interesting! An alternate POV story... I keep meaning to read a few of those but have never quite got round to it. Hopefully this will show me that I should have done so! :twilightsmile:

I've finished mine and my review is here. Unfortunately it was a poor choice of fic for this event (it's both a crossover and part of an ongoing series), and that's my fault for not checking it closely enough. Sorry, Allen Vth! This is of course a risk you take with this kind of event.

Because of that, my review isn't as good as I'd have liked. I think the other fics people selected are much more appropriate, though, so you should hopefully have better luck with those.

arcum42 has requested that people don't create too many threads in the group for reviews as it could get a bit spammy, so instead, post them in your blog and link them here, or just post the review directly to this thread. Whichever you think will be more read, as long as it's somewhere that it can be linked to. :)

Group Admin


I don't mind a few threads, so if you want to split things off into another thread or two, that's fine. I just mainly don't want the group suddenly getting hit with twelve new threads about the event. People are more likely to read one or two threads anyways.

Also, I'm willing to create folders for the winners of contests held in this group, though adding them to the main group folders would depend on the contest...


Really? You didn't want to throw the One Piece crossover at the guy wearing a pirate hat? :trollestia:

... Actually that was probably a smart move because I would've been horribly biased; I bucking love One Piece, :twistnerd:

My review of The Cold Heart of the Moon is also live! :twilightsmile:

4046272 'Allo! Where should I post my review?

4047706 - I wanted to encourage people to stick with the fic that they got if possible, so I didn't want to try to exchange it again.

And hey, I'm not looking for impartiality in these reviews (in fact, I offer no guidelines at all). Bias is totally acceptable if you declare it :)

4047762 - I think on your blog is okay, unless you want to give it more exposure by posting it to this forum. I'll read it in a mo! (Not that I'm grading reviews or anything. I'm just interested to see how people got on :) )

4047768 Ehhhh... if you're doing a thread for them I'll pitch in, but I don't think I'll be starting it myself.:twilightblush:

4047771 this thread will be fine. Although arcum has given the ok for some threads to be created, it's hard for me to control that, so I say just post them here. Thanks for taking part (even if you didn't think much of your assigned fic)!

why is twilight's library not in this book club yet? i will post it in the rec thread when i finish my review

Here's my review of Sun, Moon, and Stars by FifthAlicorn..

It's in my usual review style, so rambly and waffly. :rainbowwild: But in essence: I didn't love it, but I did like it, and thought FifthAlicorn had some very interesting ideas. A few things slightly dragged it down in my eyes -- I rated it three stars (out of five) when it probably had the potential to be a four. But, in so far as a story with over 1,100 views can be considered obscure, I think this fic deserves to be taken out of obscurity a bit. Inevitably a period piece in some respects given its age (early 2012), but worth a look all the same.

Posted my review for Unexpected Turbulance. Can't say I was a big fan. In short, it needed more words. :twilightblush:


Thanks for all your reviews so far! It's awesome reading all of these. :)

Seven reviews down and four reviews remain (I repeatedly miscounted the total number of participants as twelve for some reason. It's eleven. I'm great at maths, just not good at counting).

Remaining reviews:

Tainted Reflection (bathroomstahl)
The Golden Daughter (Foals Errand)
The New Crop (Manaphy)
Fluttershy's Garden (Superluminous)

This isn't a 'hurry up' post, I'm just keeping tabs on the event's current status. I know people can't always get time to dedicate to reading, and these are some of the longer stories in the event. I'll wrap up the Exchange some time next week in any case. I've been enjoying reading all your reviews so far. :)

I'm about to start writing the review. Just had to finish reviewing something else first. That's done now, so I'm set.

I'll have it up in a day or two, probably.

My review is now up. :twilightsmile:

Here's my review.

It's short and to-the-point, but so is the story. It won't be the best review you read, but it's all I could write on it without ruining the experience for everyone. I'm okay with it.

Finally read my assigned story! Here's the review guys!

Foals Errand
Group Contributor

... I'm reading my assigned story today review tonight or tomorrow. Sorry ^^;;


I keep thinking 'should I wrap this up now, or give Foals a little longer'? Luckily, March is here in a week, at which point it becomes moot (it is FebFIMFanFicLove after all). :)

Foals Errand
Group Contributor

Please gimme just a bit? I just urgently got called into work.

4114847 - No worries. I never set a deadline for this thing :)

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