Tag-a-long's Book Club 512 members · 1,126 stories
Comments ( 26 )
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Group Admin

Think about all the stories you've read, whether here or some other site, and consider which one most deserves to be turned into an episode.

Rule One: It can't be your own story. Get someone else to submit it for you if you really think your own story should be submitted.

Rule Two: See Rule One.

Rule Three: Winner will be decided by upvotes.

Format for submission—

Title: (provide link)

Why this story should be an episode:

Nice and simple. On a final note, try to submit stories that you think Hasbro would accept, not ones you feel they should accept. This means mature, grimdark and gore fics are probably a bad idea, as well as Romance that portrays more than light kissing.

Final submissions, recommendations and comments will be closed on March 1st, 2015, so get them in here!


Past sins By Penstroke.

Its about(if you haven't read it) a secret cult that wishes to resurrect Nightmare moon. They succeed but partially. NMM is transformed into a foal and has no memories of her past life and gets adopted by Twi

Group Admin

Title: The Evolution of Harmony

Why this story should be an episode: This tale is an example of world-building on a grand scale. We are introduced to characters and locales that are original, but still in keeping with My Little Pony. Speaking of which, all the canon characters we know and love are all recognizable, yet are shown through fresh eyes. This one gets my vote.

Rule One: It can't be your own story.

Aw. :derpytongue2:

Title: Firebird Dahlia

Why this story should be an episode: Though a new story with only three chapters, I am entirely for integrating Sunset Shimmer into the main show, even if only for one episode, and think this is a simple and excellent way to do this. It could be self-contained enough to work as a single episode, provides character development and depth for Sunset and another supporting character that could use some more, and also gives chances for world-building and new characters to appear.


Winner will be decided by upvotes.

Do downvotes influence the score, as it were?

Title: Don't Knock It Till You Try It.

Why this story should be an episode: It may follow the basic tagline of "learning and accepting the oddities of your friends interests," but I personally feel this story to be of high quality to the original feel of the show and it's values. Those being, Building friendships and overcoming daily life giving obstacles. This is the only fanfiction that I have read that I can see become an actual episode and not have anything change in order to make it more suitable for the understanding of younger audiences. Besides, have we had a Rarity and Rainbow Dash episode yet? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I really don't recall one.


Title: Feeling Pinkie Mean

Why this story should be an episode: This is Pinkie in her purest form. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard because of a story, and they are all incidents one would expect from her. It is rather long, so it would probably be a two-parter, but if that's okay then I submit this one!

Group Admin

Yes, but the story will still be considered. In the above example, I've noticed Princess Astrum's recommendation has three downvotes as of this writing. I'm not sure if that reflects against the story or the author. In any case, we still have some time before the contest ends.

TFW everything in your "absolute top faves" bookshelf would be, for one reason or another, not thematically appropriate for an official episode. :twilightblush: Luckily, my bookshelf directly beneath that one has a winner in it.

Title: The Firework Lotus

Why this story should be an episode: Described by the author as an episodic fic without the usual 22min time constraint, this fic has so much going for it. Arguably, it's primarily a Spike episode, dealing with his relationship with Twilight and her new royal duties. But there's so many other wonderful moments in this story. It touches on the passing of time, the changing of traditions and friendships, each of the M6 and CMC get these wonderful little spotlight scenes, a vast number of the scenes would translate into very artistically beautiful set pieces, there's a high number of touching and sentimental moments... As an episode, it'd be fantastic. Probably the biggest negative would be that converting it into the right length would be awkward (can't condense into a single episode, would be extremely SoL/laid-back for a two-parter).

Title: Princess Celestia Hates Tea

Why?: This story is perfectly within the FIM universe, and reflects the tone and sensibilities of the show. It could be converted into a script almost unedited (and that would ROCK!!!)

4046929 - that was the first fic that came to my mind too. ^^

4046939 Thanks (great minds think alike). I should add that we are waaaaaay over due for a Celestia-centric episode! So... vote with your thumb?


Title: Almost Beautiful

Sure, it's full blown romance between Rarity and Twilight, but that doesn't change my opinion. It's a very well written story with great concepts, and personally kept me hooked all the way through. It focuses on Rarity's thought process, and it's a very interesting one too, with Rarity denying her love at first by saying Twilight was "almost beautiful", and she focused on her flaws for a while to back this up.

Group Admin

Just a reminder: comments are welcome, but remember to vote each recommendation up or down. That's how this will be decided.

4046929 With or without taking the sequel into account?

Title: Bright eyes

Why should this be an episode?: Because it would be interesting to see how twilight would deal with a problem that affects the thing she love the most. also it could teach a valuable lesson to overcoming obstacles in life.

Title: Fires of Friendship (Was going to be" Getting back on her hooves". But, they already did that when they did Rainbow Rocks.)

Why: This has some great scenes between Applejack and Rarity. It goes into their past, into why they are friends, and how their friendship grew. It also looks into the friendship of the CMC, and their bonds.



Why: It is a sweet short story on how Twilight and Applejack fight over who has the best big brother and reconcile afterwards after having the opponent's sibling stay with them for a few nights.

Ah Ain't Got no Ack-cent! by Conner Cogwork

It's another nice character piece between Rarity and Applejack, about social norms. It has a hilarious ending and the show does seem to give these two a shared episode every season.

The Many Deaths of Rainbow Dash
Twilight's Dollhouse
They Just Explode And Die
Damn, this is hard.

4048850 I don't know why you think it's hard. Twilight's Dollhouse should win by a mile! :trollestia:

Group Admin

Looks like it's down to Feeling Pinkie Mean, The Firework Lotus and Princess Celestia Hates Tea with 3 votes each. Past Sins got 4 votes, but FIFTEEN downvotes. That's a shame, because it really is a good story.

For this contest I'm going to choose Feeling Pinkie Mean, as it truly is a funny story with great characterization, especially of Pinkie Pie.

Thank you to everyone that participated, and I'll see you all with the next contest, which will be a writing one.


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