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The #FebFIMFanFicLove Fic Exchange is now over! We got ten reviews out of it (possibly eleven if Foals gets round to hers) which is super awesome! Thanks to everyone who took part:

Allen Vth read Rain (review)
bathroomstahl read Tainted Reflection (review)
billymorph read Unexpected Turbulence, Remain Calm and Don't Murder Anypony (review)
Foals Errand was assigned The Golden Daughter
hawthornbunny tried his darndest to review My Little Pirates: Doctor's Orders (review)
Loganberry read Sun, Moon and Stars (review)
Manaphy read The New Crop (review)
MrAskAPirate read The Cold Heart of the Moon (review) (although I'm not judging the reviews in any way, I thought this one was very well done.)
Sixkiller5 read Twilight's Library (review)
Superluminous read Fluttershy's Garden (review)
Unbridled Dolly read Silence (review)

A few authors responded to the reviews of their work, which was great to see. Overall I'm happy with how this worked and so if people are interested I'll run another one soon. After all, we're not going to run out of fics to appreciate! Thanks to arcum42 for letting me host this contest here, too.

If anyone has any suggestions for things to do better or differently next time, please let me know!

I'm definitely up for participating in something like this again; it was good fun all round. I think 10/11 reviews completed is a decent result, considering how these things can end up. :twilightsmile: Maybe every couple of months or so would be a reasonable frequency? So start asking for nominations later this month, then have the actual reading'n'reviewing around Easter?

Suggestions? I'd be inclined to disallow crossover nominations entirely. As you discovered, it's horribly difficult to write a truly helpful and fair review if you don't know the other fandom at all. (You did better at it than I would have done, though!) Other than that, I think this was set up very nicely, though I'm unsure how well it would scale -- what would you do if this really took off and you started getting 200 people wanting to do it?

I had a lot of fun doing this, so I'd definitly be up for another round. I think restricting crossovers may be wise, or at least portion them off into their own set.


I'm still not sure about disallowing crossovers entirely, but they'll definitely be restricted next time.

I didn't really think about scaling because I don't expect many more entrants. :) In terms of effort on my part, what I need to do is start and end the event, vet submissions, randomly assign fics, compile the list, and be on hand to make last minute assignment adjustments. I think anything over 40 entrants would start becoming difficult for one person to handle, but I can't really see any way of sharing the load among multiple people. So most likely I'd just limit the number of entrants to 40, which is a decent number and not one I expect to reach anyway.

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