Starlight Glimmer I 480 members · 697 stories
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To be honest she's the first MLP villain who is truly terrifying, not because of magic or size, but ideology. not only does she seem to believe that the only path to peace and happiness is to surrender one's free will and individuality, she seems to not only have the power to do just that, she actually has and enjoys every minute of it. While those who defy her seem to vanish, and her story right now seems to mirror how every historic dictator from Hitler to Stalin seized power: by convincing the people to give up their free will and individuality in exchange for peace and order.

All I can think of when it comes to Starlight is a line from a Sabaton Song: "The Reich will Rise."

4160299 I like that I love the thought of it, you see few villain like that too often, name wise I hate it her name doesn't even relate to her

I often wonder if the reason they went with that name is because she's suppose to be Nega-Twilight (a Pony who shares Twilight's love of knowledge, magic and passion for friendship, but has none of her values or moral compass. i.e. What Twilight could become if she ever looses her moral compass, or could've become if she hadn't met her friends)

4160361 its a stupid name, its not fitting at all

4160361 I think that too, it's the only reason I can think of that makes since for a name like hers, it's like sunset shimmer.
4160336 and yeah, we need more villains like her. Sombra was unexpected, but interesting. Tirek was powerful, but not all that interesting (like a DBZ villain who comes out of nowhere and is more powerful than anyone). In fact all of the mlp bad guys so far had potential, but were dispatched of after two episodes. If they set up an adventure arc off of her, season 5 will be amazing.:pinkiehappy:

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