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Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

As you all probably don't know, I am Type II Diabetic. Normal blood sugar readings are from 80 to 120, and mine have been in the 500 range. This causes irritability and loss of concentration, so I am taking a break from reviewing. Our writers deserve the best, and I cannot properly review if I'm not in the correct frame of mind.

I've already taken steps to lower my blood sugar, but the doctor says the process will be about six weeks for me to get back to anything near normal. I'm not going anywhere; I'll still be online to do other things like set the Featured Stories, but I don't want my judgment to cloud any reviews. I'll be back to reviewing as soon as I can.


5669191 Take care of yourself. We all love reviews, but your health is way more important.

5669191 Get well soon man. You're the most consistent out of all of us.

5669191 Aw, jeez, Winter, sorry to hear about your health woes. I hope you feel better soon, though!

5669191 As a fellow T2, I wish you the very best of luck! Hopefully once you (and your doctor) have got things under control again, you'll be feeling a lot better. A level of 500 sounds quite worrying, so I'm really glad you're taking things in the right direction. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts! I'm determined to get better, so I'll be fine.

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