hello tower guardian and or random stranger! welcome to the cult awesome group dedicated to the the great purple ball

this one

as you very well may know; destiny has a very deep relationship will balls. the tower worships a giant ball, you live on and travel to four different giant balls, the destiny team sucks activation's giant balls as they obviously butchered their own game to make more profits the destiny team has giant balls for being such the innovator as to try to bring MMORPG style games into the console gaming industry; but i myself believe that we're grasping at the wrong balls here. for as we don't know there is a ball that has remained close to our hearts.

and also has taken much care to remain far away from some guardians own little balls

yes, i am talking about the great purple rubber ball, the entity that has not only at the start of the destiny experience, but has bounced into the life of nearly every guardian visiting the tower and sometimes off the tower by the heathens that should be burned at the stake for such HERESY! not so recently his great roundness underwent a subtle metamorphosis, It now GLOWS! surely this is a sign! the great purple ball of the tower has shown a glimmer of it's godly might, despite what others may claim about how his roundness is just an easter egg and not related to the story whatsoever, surely this change to the great ball is a sign of his imminent reveal as the true guide of humanities progress r-right.

and the great and mighty purple ball of righteous roundness has shown other signs of it's benevolent guidance, for a year it has watched over us and honors us the greatest of bounties, and every night it watches and keeps in check the greedy cryptarch who has before be-felled us with lowly commons for our hard earned legendary and exotic engrams

truly, this is the face of evil.

so come all, as our group will indoctrinate you show you the true path of light as an emissary of the purple ball. one day may we all ascend to his spherical embrace.

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