Applejack 538 members · 1,235 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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Proper Noun
Group Admin

If you don't like your feed cluttered, do this:

Except un-check the other thing. I'm too lazy to make a new version of this image guide.

I imagine it'll be happening tonight or tomorrow. I invite all admins to participate.

edit: Lol double post.

Update: You can turn your story notices back on now, if you want to.

Group Admin


Already on it. I said i'd handle at least the first ten pages of the archive, and I should have had had it done already. I'm not moving anything over that doesn't have the Applejack tag, and I predict that I'm going to end up having to correct a bunch of my own mistakes in that regard.

Right now, I'm filtering out M-rated fics, and I might as well keep it that way. Having to sort fics into two different bins is just asking for goof-ups, and I can always go back and scan for M-rated fics.

4327423 How many stories do you think you guys are going to add to this group?

Proper Noun
Group Admin


At least 200-500 in total, hopefully.

Group Admin

I'm finished with pages 1-10, save for the clop. I'm going to take a break for now, as there are other things that I need to do today.

When I'm back at it, I might go back and add the M-rated stories for pages 1-10. I didn't want to do both at the same time, because that's just asking to sort the wrong fics into the wrong folders when dealing with this many fics.

Pages 11-35 are up for grabs.

Not everything is going into the archive. Some fics in the old Applejack group do not have the Applejack-tag, and I can only assume that Applejack does not play a significant role in the story. If this is not the case for certain fics, then those authors can re-tag their story and submit it themselves, assuming that Applejack is one of the main characters.

4327904 Ah, ok. I see two other groups that have 800 and 1k+. Are you going through those groups and picking what you like, or are you just adding them all?

Group Admin


I'm adding everything from the Applejack group that we're trying to replace. I didn't know about the other group. I'll check that out later.

What we like? No, just everything that has Applejack playing a significant role in the story. There are some fics from the old Applejack fic that do not have Applejack's character tag, and I can only assume that those stories do not feature her as a prominent member. Some authors will add their fic to a a group regardless of whether or not it's relevant, and I aim to cut down on that crap for this group.

Quality-control isn't a concern, so much as just making sure that the fics we add here actually belong in the Applejack group. It might be a good idea, in the future, to have a folder for 'featured' stories, and I'll bring that up with the other admins when the time comes, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

4328357 Sounds good bud.

Proper Noun
Group Admin

Page 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 done. Updates as further edits.

Haha I broke the story-adding limit. Time to get an alt.

Page 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 done. Updates as further edits.

I'll just be in this corner, Applejacking off.

Turned it off when I joined.

Page 12 done, dickheads. Updates as further edits.

Mature fics from pages 1-11 done.

Comment posted by DH7 deleted May 2nd, 2015
Group Admin


I just now realized that you're Clever Pun. :twilightblush:

Looks like the score is ten to twenty-eight. I want to know what kind of drugs your crazy ass is taking and where to get some.

Proper Noun
Group Admin


A good system.

a) Go to a page of stories.
b) Open every one with an Applejack tag or obviously-Applejack-related short description in new tabs.
c) Go through those, adding 99% of them. The rest failed muster.
d) Repeat (a) through (c) as needed.
e) Be much faster on alts because they're only in one or two groups and no scrolling is needed for the group selection.

Also, I am amused by how many stories in the old group were completely unrelated to Applejack (not just "she played an insignificant part" but "she wasn't even in the story").

I'm not on drugs. Sometimes I get really focused.

Group Admin


11 is finished.

I suspected as much, but without actually reading them (There's over eight-hundred of them, I'm not going to do that!) I can't really be 100% certain. There's a good chance that even some of the those that we added have been mis-tagged and don't actually belong here. For those, I figure that if we have a 'Story' header on the front page and/or in an FAQ, we can simply ask readers to inform us when they have the misfortune of running into a fic that doesn't belong here. Reading and dealing with those is doable. Sifting through over six-hundred stories and reading every single one of them, is not.

I've just been 'flipping over' stories. There's a button at the corner of each one that flips them over as if they were playing cards, one of the options on the back being to add to groups. I 'flipped' each of the non-Applejack stories first, just to get them out of the way and so I wouldn't be worrying about those.

I haven't done any of the M-rated fics for the pages that I've done yet, but I'm turned off the 'mature' filter—I officially can not gripe about the 'Featured Box'. If no one else gets to those by the next time that I'm online, I'll get that taken care off.

Proper Noun
Group Admin


I caught a few stories with the Applejack tag that didn't contain Applejack and a few things without the Applejack tag that did contain Applejack. Not many though.

Sifting through over six-hundred stories and reading every single one of them, is not.

Tell that to the site story approvers, lol.

Proper Noun
Group Admin


I haven't done any of the M-rated fics for the pages that I've done yet

See the edit.

I think we're done.

Group Admin


I did less than a third of the work, but go Team Venture and whatnot.

I feel so inadequate. Welp, time play Jet Moto 2!

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