Applejack 538 members · 1,235 stories
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Group Admin


Mine are quite alive.

Not sure what I'm going to do. I think that I'll buy her a twelve-pack.

Edit - Well, apparently she's sick and doesn't want beer, either.

Proper Noun
Group Admin


My mother is a horrible person so I didn't call her yesterday.

Group Admin


I'm sorry to hear that. My father and I don't have a particularly close relationship, but I've never been burdened with having to dislike an immediate family member. I suppose that you can say that over ten years ago, I hated what was the closest thing I had to a stepfather, but that doesn't count in least bit, and is an insanely weak comparison.

Proper Noun
Group Admin


... I'm not going to get into a rant about my family here. Just know that you can malign them any way you like. :scootangel:

This thread kinda got serious.

Group Admin


I think I've picked up enough from other posts of yours to get an idea, anyway.

Our parental figures are an example. Sometimes, they're an example of who we should strive to not be.


AJ's parents are dead, yo. This thread has always been serious.

My Mom is very much alive but my Dad died 3 years ago as of this March. He was a dialysis patient so his health deteriorated quite a bit over the years and his body eventually gave out. This is one of the reasons why I feel a strong connection to Applejack in particular, I suppose this blog post explains the story.

Group Admin


I'm thirty years old and I fear losing my father before I actually get to know him. I like the man, and I enjoy talking with him about videogames, but his death probably wouldn't effect me all that much. It would be the death of an acquaintance that I'm fond of, and nothing more. I do love the man (even though I don't want to be him) but his existence has never been an essential part of my life.

My father is a friend of mine that I don't have a problem with seeing on a yearly basis.

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